Oro Valley Post 132  Newsletter,  October 10, 2024.

Post 132 Family activities, notices, and information.

American Legion Logo with white background, blue lettering and a stylized United States flag.
American Legion Auxiliary rectangular banner with white background, blue lettering and a gold emblem with blue five point star in the center.

Post and Auxiliary meetings:

Thursday, October, 17, 6:30 pm at Vistoso Memorial Chapel, 2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley. A complimentary social follows each monthly meeting. Meetings are on the third Thursday, 6:30 pm. Auxiliary members meet in a separate room, same time, same location.

Post POC: Garry Lawrence, phone #  (520) 245-8521 or email at  [email protected]  Auxiliary POC: Onita Davis, phone # (520) 229-1064 or email [email protected].

White plate containing Bratwurst, potato salad, and sauerkraut.
White bowl containing roasted cauliflower with potato salad and sauerkraut.

October 17 pre-meeting meal:

A pre-meeting meal will be available from 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm. This month we are offering a choice of a Bratwurst with potato salad, and sauerkraut meal or a vegetarian meal of roasted cauliflower with potato salad and sauerkraut.  More in the next issue of the newsletter.  A donation of $8:00 is appreciated. We will be serving from 5:00 pm until 6:00 pm or until we are sold out. We hope to see you there. Post POC: Garry Lawrence, phone # (520) 245-8521 or email [email protected].

NOTE: Meal images are stock website images, they may differ from the actual meals being served.

Sons of the American Legion banner, white background, blue lettering, and United States flag.

Sons of the American Legion Squadron 132 membership meeting:

Saturday, October 19, 2024, 10:30 am, Vistoso Memorial Chapel, 2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley.
POC is Commander Ed Davis, phone # (520) 229-1064 or email [email protected].

Upcoming Dates, activities and events to remember:

Happy Birthday banner for United States Navy, lettering is white, background consists of Navy ship with blue sky and white clouds above. In the foreground is a portion of a blue and white star field from a U.S. Flag with a furled red and white striped portion of the U. S.Flag in the lower right corner.

October 13, United States Navy’s 249th Birthday:

On October 13, 1775, the Continental Congress voted to fit out two sailing vessels, armed with ten carriage guns, and swivel guns manned by crews of eighty. Their mission was to intercept transports carrying munitions and stores to the British Army in America. In 1992, the United States Navy officially adopted “Honor, Courage, Commitment” as their standing motto.

Get your COVID 19 Vaccine banner, hypodermic and vaccine bottle on a purple background on the left half, lettering in purple on a yellow background on the right half.

October 19, Flu and COVID-19 Shots for Veterans:

For Veterans enrolled in VA Health Care, the Tucson VA(SAVAHCS) has scheduled a drive-up, Flu and COVID-19 shot vaccination event.
When: Sat. Oct 19, 2024, 7:00 am – 1:00 pm.
Where: Tucson VA Medical Center Parking Lot F in front of Building 80, 3601 South Sixth Avenue. Please use the Ajo gate and follow the signs to the clinic.
Get directions on Google Maps.

Register Now white banner with red lettering.

November 1 – 3, the American Legion Department of Arizona Fall Conference:

Post 132 is again the host Post of this major event for members of the Legion, Auxiliary, SAL and Riders. If you wish to attend any portion of the conference, you must register. Registration fee is at no cost if you register in advance with one of the following POCs.
Register by October 20.
Post members contact Stu Lind at email [email protected].
Auxiliary Unit members contact Onita Davis at email [email protected].
SAL members contact Ed Davis at email [email protected].
Riders are members of at least one of the aforementioned groups.

More than 800 attendees, from across the state, are expected. The Oro Valley El Conquistador Resort on Oracle Rd is the venue. Conference agenda will be provided when it is received from the Department.

Past Activities and Information:

Three female officers of the Post 132 Auxiliary Unit, one in dark blue top, one in bright red top and one in a bright blue top.

September 19, Auxiliary Unit installation of officers:

Photo, left to right: Jessica Bird, Vice President, District 2, Jennifer Turner Jones, President District 2, and Peggy Smith,Unit 132 President. Other Unit officers installed for the 2024-2025 leadership year are: Chris Kennedy – Secretary; Onita Davis – Assistant Treasurer; Melani Ruiz-Pyland – Sergeant at Arms; Deena Ream-Robinson –Treasurer; Elin Rose – Chaplain; Marcia Wohlhueter – Historian, and members of the executive committee: Rosie Gonzales, Judy Haberski, and Lori Oehlert.

Eight members of the American Legion Post 132 family wearing hi-visibility vests, equipped for road cleanup community support activity.

September 28, roadway cleanup:

Keeping Oro Valley the Clean Scene! On this day nine members of the Post, Auxiliary and SAL removed debris from the Post’s assigned one mile stretch along Tangerine Rd. The clean-up turns into a social gathering and fun is had by all. Thanks to Don Besse for coordinating this quarterly activity and to the volunteers who make it happen.
Photo: left to right; Larry McNamee, Don Besse, Bob Jackson, Michael Bartelle, Bob Franke, Linda Raymond, Tom Roblee, and Rhonda Sandler. Dan McGregor was behind the camera. This is a low-stress, fun activity. Post, Auxiliary, and SAL members are welcome.

Contact Info:

Facebook: Please like, follow and share with others to help spread the word about our Post. www.facebook.com/ovamericanlegionPost132 Post. Website: www.ovamericanlegion132.com.

Post Mailing address: Oro Valley Post 132, P.O. Box 69665, Oro Valley, AZ., 85737.

Auxiliary Mailing Address: Auxiliary OV Unit 132, P.O. Box 69246, Oro Valley, AZ., 85737

Post 132 general information: Bob Franke Phone # (520) 909-2070.

Post 132 commander:Tom Roblee, Phone # (509) 910-9323 or email  [email protected].

Squadron 132 commander:Ed Davis, phone # (520) 229-1064 or email [email protected].

Riders Chapter 132 Director:Bob Britton, phone # (626) 277-7360 or email [email protected].

Service Officer:Jeri Harwood, phone # (208) 351-9945 or email [email protected].

Auxiliary Unit 132 President:Lori Oehlert, phone # (920) 319-6700 or email  [email protected].

Past Commander/Newsletter Editor:Ed Davis, phone # (520) 229-1064 or email  [email protected].

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