Oro Valley Post 132  Newsletter,  September 27, 2024.

Oro Valley Post 132 and Family activities, notices, and information.

American Legion Logo with white background, blue lettering and a stylized United States flag.
American Legion Auxiliary rectangular banner with white background, blue lettering and a gold emblem with blue five point star in the center.

Post and Auxiliary meetings:

Thursday, October, 17, 6:30 pm at Vistoso Memorial Chapel, 2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley. A complimentary social follows each monthly meeting. Meetings are on the third Thursday, 6:30 pm. Auxiliary members meet in a separate room, same time, same location.

Post POC: Garry Lawrence, phone #  (520) 245-8521 or email at  faretired@gmail.com  Auxiliary POC: Onita Davis, phone # (520) 229-1064 or email ovunit132@gmail.com.

Plate full of Knockwurst, potatoes and sauerkraut carrot strips and wooden handled fork and spoon on the left side.
White place with a question mark formed from green peas, fork on left side, knife on right side.

October 17 pre-meeting meal:

A pre-meeting meal will be available 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm. This month we are offering a choice of a Knockwurst with potatoes and sauerkraut meal and a not yet decided vegetarian meal. More in the next issue of the newsletter. . A donation of $5:00 is appreciated. We will be serving from 5:00 pm until 6:00 pm or until we are sold out. We hope to see you there. Post POC: Garry Lawrence, phone # (520) 245-8521 or email faretired@gmail.com.

NOTE: Meal images are stock images, they may differ from the actual meals being served.

American Legion Riders banner with representation of United States flag in upper left corner, white banner background and blue lettering.

Riders Chapter 132 membership meeting:

Wednesday, October. 2, 6:00 pm at Elks Lodge #385, 1800 N. Oracle Rd. Meetings are on the first Wednesday of the month at 6:00 pm. Riders Chapter 132 Director – Bob Britton, phone # (626) 277-7360 or email  DirectorALR132@gmail.com.

Upcoming Dates, activities and events to remember:

Assistance for a Veteran in need:

The Post, Auxiliary Unit, Riders Chapter, and the SAL Squadron provided assistance to a veteran in need. The Veteran had recently experienced personal health issues which resulted in him losing his job and falling behind on his rent. The Post, Auxiliary Unit, and the Riders contributed toward the rent in arrears and the SAL Squadron provided a gift card to the Veteran for the purchase of food. HUD VASH and PHA will pay the rent going forward until the Veteran is again employed. A social services counselor will work with the Veteran to help him find employment.

Missing In America interment ceremony, two sailors in white uniforms carrying veterans' creamains passing through corridor of United States flags held by Veterans.

October 5, 2024, Missing in America Project (MIAP):

The mission of MIAP is to locate, identify and inter the unclaimed remains of United States military veterans. A brief 8:00 am memorial service will take place at the Marana Mortuary Cemetery, 12146 W. Barnett Rd., Marana, AZ prior to the transfer of the urns. The formal service, consisting of full military honors for thirty-seven veterans, will take place at 10:00 am at the Arizona State Veterans Memorial Cemetery, 15950 N. Luckett Rd., Marana. Please attend the service to honor and remember these once-forgotten heroes. The public is welcome to attend.
Post POC: Rick Gonzales, phone #(520)400-2613 or email rickygonzo494@gmail.com.

Past Activities and Information:

Veterans Assistance banner, white lettering on light blue background representing part of United States flag.

Assistance for a Veteran in need:

The Post, Auxiliary Unit, Riders Chapter, and the SAL Squadron provided assistance to a veteran in need. The Veteran had recently experienced personal health issues which resulted in him losing his job and to fall behind on his rent. The Post, Auxiliary Unit, and the Riders contributed toward the rent in arrears and the SAL Squadron provided a gift card to the Veteran for the purchase of food. HUD VASH and PHA will pay the rent going forward until the Veteran is again employed. A social services counselor will work with the Veteran to help him find employment.

Riders Chapter 132 officers for 2024-2025:

Bob Britton – Director; Austin Mazor – Assistant Director; Cindy Britton – Secretary; Rob Rizk – Treasurer; Ken Bruntmyer – Sergeant at Arms; Bill Garris – Road Captain; John Madaloni – Judge Advocate; David Lynch – Historian; Garry Lawrence – Chaplain; Lois Cunningham – Communications Officer.

Photo, L to R: Bill Garris, Bob Britton, Cindy Britton, Rob Rizk, and Austin Mazor.

September 8, 2024, Eagle Scout Court of Honor:

Three Scouts of Oro Valley Troop 299 received their Eagle Scout award during their Court of Honor. Post members Don Besse and Larry McNamee attended the award ceremony and presented each Eagle Scout with a folded American Flag that had flown over the US Capital in their honor.

Military Service Records banner, black lettering in white circle with portion of United States flag in the background.

To obtain Military Service Records:

Go to www.archives.gov/veterans/military-service-records for DD214/separation docs, Official Military Personnel File (OMPF), replacement medals & medical records.

Contact Info:

Facebook: Please like, follow and share with others to help spread the word about our Post. www.facebook.com/ovamericanlegionPost132 Post. Website: www.ovamericanlegion132.com.

Post Mailing address: Oro Valley Post 132, P.O. Box 69665, Oro Valley, AZ., 85737.

Auxiliary Mailing Address: Auxiliary OV Unit 132, P.O. Box 69246, Oro Valley, AZ., 85737

Post 132 general information: Bob Franke Phone # (520) 909-2070.

Post 132 commander: – Tom Roblee, Phone # (509) 910-9323 or email  roblee.thomas@yahoo.com.

Squadron 132 commander: – Ed Davis, phone # (520) 229-1064 or email egdavis@att.net.

Riders Chapter 132 Director: – Bob Britton, phone # (   ) 626-277-7360 or email DirectorALR132@gmail.com.

Service Officer: — Jeri Harwood, phone # (208) 351-9945 or email jjakita@aol.com.

Auxiliary Unit 132 President: — Lori Oehlert, phone #(920) 319-6700 or email 15oehlert@gmail.com.

Past Commander/Newsletter Editor: – Ed Davis, phone # (520) 229-1064 or email  egdavis@att.net.

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