Oct. 27, 2021

American Legion Oro Valley Post 132, Auxiliary and SAL activities and info relevant to veterans. 

Post and Auxiliary membership meetings: 

Post and Auxiliary membership meetings: Thursday, Nov 18, 6:30 pm at Vistoso Memorial Chapel, 2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd, Oro Valley. We will have a Post Everlasting Memorial Service for the 27 Post members who have passed away since November 2020. The poignant service will end with a rifle salute and the playing of TAPS. Please attend to show your respect. Family members of the deceased will be in attendance. A social with complimentary refreshments follows each meeting of the Post and Auxiliary. Meetings are 3rd Thursday of the month, 6:30 pm. Auxiliary members meet in a separate room, same time, same location.

Post Everlasting Waving Flag and Bugle Player.


Post Everlasting:

Jerry Agan

Gerald “Jerry” Ahern

Maurice Bergh.

William “Bill” Berry

Fred Bjorling

Patrick Bingham

Jerry Bueser

Paul Cotter

Karl Dalla-Rosa

Arthur Darton

Robert “Bob” Gaston Sr.

Bradford “Brad” Gibbs

Ronald “Ron” Gransie

Richard Griggs

John Guimond

Charles Gutekunst

Stanley Gwizdak

Gordon “Buzz” Hackett

Richard Hallbouer

Eric Hockemeyer

William “Bill” John Jr

Gene Kitterman

Carlos Salazar

Urban “Smitty” Smith

John Tansley

Robert “Bob” Taub

Dennis Wall

U. S. Coast Guard

U. S. Army

U. S. Army

U. S. Navy

U. S. Navy

U. S. Army

U. S. Air Force

U. S. Army

U. S. Navy

U. S. Navy

U. S. Army

U. S. Air Force


U. S. Air Force

U. S. Air Force

U. S. Air Force

U. S. M. C.

U. S. Air Force

U. S. Navy

U. S. Air Force

U. S. Navy

U. S. Navy

U. S. Air Force

U. S. Navy

U. S. Army

U. S. Air Force

U. S. Army

Vietnam Era


Korean War Era

Vietnam Era


Vietnam Era

Korean War Era

Korean War Era

Korean War Era

Vietnam Era


Korean War Era

Korean War Era

Korean War Era




Vietnam Era


Lebanon / Grenada Era



Korean War Era

Vietnam Era

Vietnam Era

Vietnam Era

Vietnam Era

Riders Chapter 132 membership meeting: Wednesday, Nov 3, 6:30 pm at Elks Lodge #385, 1800 N. Oracle Rd. Meetings are on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm. Members of the American Legion Riders are members of the Legion, Sons of the American Legion, and of the Auxiliary, who are motorcycle riding enthusiasts. Riders Chapter 132 Director – Rick Bernard 510-493-1559 [email protected]

Upcoming Dates and activities to remember:

April is Military Family Month: A month to honor and celebrate the contributions and sacrifices of the families of the U.S. Armed Forces. 

Nov 6-7: Thunder and Lightning Over Arizona Air Show at Davis-Monthan, AFB, 3100 S. Craycroft Road, Tucson, from 9:00am to 5:00pm each day, Free Admission. For more information: https://thunderandlightningoverarizona.com/schedule/

U. S. Marine Corp Birthday with Iwo Jima Memorial.

November 10 – 246th Marine Corps Birthday: The US Marine Corps started as the Continental Marines on Nov 10, 1775. On that date, the Second Continental Congress decided that two Battalions of Marines were needed to serve as landing forces with the Continental Navy during the American Revolutionary War.  

November 11 – Veterans Day: World War I fighting ceased between the Allied nations and Germany on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. For that reason, November 11, 1918, is generally regarded as the end of the war.

Post 132 Color Guard Veterans Day schedule: Post 132 will be involved in many events and programs during Veterans Day week. The Post’s Color Guard will perform at several venues. All veterans are invited to attend the PRCA assembly. Come out and support the school and be recognized for your service. All veterans welcome, not just Post 132 members. For information contact Color Guard scheduling coordinator Gene Wickey (cell) (714)313-7000, [email protected]

November 10 at 0700: American Flag placement at internment sites at the State Veterans Memorial Cemetery at Marana. Volunteers needed. 

November 11:

7:30 am

10:15 am

11:30 am

1:00 pm

2:30 pm

SaddleBrooke 1

Pusch Ridge Christian Academy

Desert Springs

Quail Park



9500 N Oracle Rd., Oro Valley

Veterans Day Freebies and Discounts.

Veterans Day Deals, Discounts, and Freebies: For more information, go to website www.military.com/veterans-day/veterans-day-military-discounts.html 

Past Activities and Information:

The American Legion.

American Legion National Calls to Action: With little notice to service members, the Department of Defense (DOD) terminated the Troops to Teachers program (TTT) this October and we need your help in calling on Congress to reauthorize the program. Take action by contacting your Congressman through our Legislative Action Center. The (DOD) reported that the program placed over 21,000 veteran teachers in classrooms since its inception. Additionally, the program provides counseling and referral services to help participants meet education and licensing requirements, as well as help them secure a teaching position.

Now is not the time to cut transition pathways for our service members.

Senate Section 573 in the FY 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) would reauthorize the Troops-To-Teachers program. The American Legion proudly supports this amendment and asks that you contact your Representatives and tell them to keep Senate Section 573 in the FY 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

Dept of the Interior Emblem

Free Access to National Parks: Gold Star Families and U.S. military veterans have free access to national parks, wildlife refuges and other Federal lands managed by the Department of the Interior. For purposes of this program, a veteran is identified as an individual who has served in the United States Armed Forces, including the National Guard and Reserves, and is able to present one of the following forms of identification:

·         Department of Defense Identification Card

·         Veteran Health Identification Card (VHIC)

·         Veteran ID Card

·         Veterans designation on a state-issued U.S. driver’s license or identification card

Entrance fees for the National Park Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and standard amenity recreation fees for the Bureau of Land Management and the Bureau of Reclamation sites will be waived for veterans and Gold Star Families. Interagency Passes can be obtained in person while visiting a participating site. Visit Places to Get Interagency Passes for a searchable list. In addition, Military passes, as well as those for seniors and persons with permanent disabilities, are available online through the USGS Online Store. For more information about eligibility and passes, visit Free Entrance to National Parks for Veterans and Gold Star Families (U.S. National Park Service) (nps.gov)


Post 132 Honor Guard
Presenting folded flag to family of deceased veteran.

October 2: Post 132 Honor Guard rendered Military Funeral Honors for Army veteran. The funeral service for Jimmy Lee Griffith was held at his family’s residence in San Manual. Eleven Post members participated in the service.  Gene Wickey, Leon Donahue, Jim Barnhart, Fred Sheaffer, John Madaloni and Jim Martens as Riflemen, Rick Gonzales as Bugler, Ray Baldwin (Team Captain), and Dan McGregor as Flag Folders and Wayne Larroque, Commander, presented the folded flag to the Griffith family.  Don Besse, one of our newest Honor Guard members attended and took pictures. The family members were all very touched by the service and expressed their sincerest gratitude for the Post’s participation.  

Post 132 Honor Guard at attention with rifles.

October 5: Post 132 Honor Guard rendered Military Funeral Honors for WWII United States Army Air Corps Veteran. The funeral service for Raymond Sousa was held at the Arizona Veterans Memorial Cemetery at Marana. Eight Post 132 Honor Guard members participated in the event: Ray Baldwin as Team Captain, Jim Barnhart, John Madaloni, Danny Lemon, Jim Martens, Fred Sheaffer and Gene Wickey as Riflemen and Dan McGregor as Bugler.  Two Active Duty Army service members performed the Ceremonial Flag Folding and presented the flag to the Sousa family.  Members of the Sousa family personally thanked the Post’s Honor Guard Team after the service. They expressed their sincerest gratitude for the Post’s participation.

Missing In America Post 132 Honor Guard Attendees
Missing in America Flag Presentation.

October 9: Post 132 Honor Guard Posted the Colors and rendered Military Funeral Honors during the Missing In America Project (MIAP) service.  The service was held at the Arizona Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Marana.  The purpose of the MIAP is to locate, identify and inter the unclaimed cremated remains of American Veterans through the joint efforts of private, state and federal organizations.  To provide Honor, Respect and Dignity to those who have served this country by securing a final resting place for these forgotten heroes.  Along with Wayne Larroque, Post Commander, nine Post 132 Honor Guard members participated in the event: Ray Baldwin as Team Captain, Jim Barnhart, John Madaloni, Jim Martens, Leon Donahue, Fred Sheaffer, Gene Wickey and Dan McGregor as Riflemen and Rick Gonzales as Bugler.  Two service members from each the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps performed the Ceremonial Flag Folding and Presented the Flags. Post members Steve Kendall, George Phillips, Rick Bernard and Ken Robinson also attended the service.

Contact Info: Facebook: Please like, follow and share with others to help spread the word about our Post and its award winning programs. www.facebook.com/ovamericanlegionPost132

Post Website: www.ovamericanlegion132.com

Post Mailing address: Oro Valley Post 132, PO Box 69665, Oro Valley, AZ 85737

SAL Squadron 132 email address: [email protected]

Post 132 Commander: Wayne Larroque 520-301-5303, [email protected]

SAL Squadron 132 Commander: Ed Davis, 520-229-1064, [email protected]

Riders Chapter 132 Director: Rick Bernard 510-493-1559, [email protected]

Service Officer: Carla Hodge 602-535-1215.

Auxiliary Unit President: Melinda Nay, [email protected]   

Auxiliary Unit website: www.ovunit132.info

Ed Davis, Past Commander/Newsletter Editor, 520-229-1064, [email protected]

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