Oct. 10, 2021
American Legion Oro Valley Post 132, Auxiliary and SAL activities and info relevant to veterans.
Post and Auxiliary membership meetings:
Thursday, Oct 21, 6:30pm at Vistoso Memorial Chapel, 2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd, Oro Valley. A social with complimentary refreshments follow each meeting of the Post and Auxiliary. Meetings are 3rd Thursday of the month, 6:30pm. Auxiliary members meet in a separate room, same time, same location.
Riders Chapter 132 membership meeting:
Wednesday, Nov 3, 6:30pm at Elks Lodge #385, 1800 N. Oracle Rd. Meetings are on 1st Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm. Members of the American Legion Riders are members of the Legion, Sons of the American Legion and of the Auxiliary, who are motorcycle riding enthusiasts. Riders Chapter 132 Director – Rick Bernard 510-493-1559 [email protected]
Sons of the American Legion (SAL) Squadron 132 membership meeting:
Saturday, Oct 16, 10:30am (note time change for this month only), at the Vistoso Memorial Chapel, 2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley. POC POC is Gary Smith 214-431-2187 or [email protected]
Upcoming Dates and activities to remember:
October 13: U.S. Navy’s 246th Birthday.
On October 13, 1775, the Continental Congress voted to fit out two sailing vessels, armed with ten carriage guns, and swivel guns manned by crews of eighty. Their mission was to intercept transports carrying munitions and stores to the British Army in America.
Oct 23: Nam to Sand Jam
10:00am to 6:00pm at Reid Park. Vietnam Veterans of America Tucson Chapter 106 is sponsoring the 33rd Nam to Sand Jam. This event is free, open to the public and will be the best concert you will see all year. Several local bands donate their talents to this worthwhile event. In addition to the fantastic bands, there will be many veteran support organizations to help with benefits. Food vendors and fun for the whole family. Location: Reid Park, Demeester Outdoor Performance Center, 900 S Randolph Way. For additional info contact Terry Byron at 520-982-0023 or visit www.namjamtucson.org
Nov 5-7: American Legion Department of Arizona Fall Conference
To be held at the DoubleTree Hotel Reid Park. Members of the Legion, Auxiliary, SAL and Riders, from around the state, assemble for training sessions, committee reports and comradery. Interested Post members register with Adjutant Gary Smith prior to Oct 17. Post will pay registration fee, [email protected] or 214-431-2187. Auxiliary members contact Melinda Nay at [email protected]. SAL members contact Gary Smith [email protected] or 214-431-2187. Riders members contact Rick Bernard 510-493-1559 [email protected]
Nov 6-7: Thunder and Lightning Over Arizona Air Show
To be held at Davis-Monthan, AFB, 3100 S. Craycroft Road, Tucson, from 9:00am to 5:00pm each day, Free Admission. (NOTE: Air show at Davis-Monthan is every other year, alternating with Luke AFB, AZ) For more information go to following weblink: https://thunderandlightningoverarizona.com/schedule/
Past Activities and Information:
Sept 6: Folds of Honor Ceremony.
The Post 132 Color Guard honored our fallen and disabled veterans at the Saddlebrooke MountainView Golf Club, “Folds of Honor” opening ceremony. The Color Guard provided a flag presentation, rifle volley and flag folding service. The “Folds of Honor” mission is to provide educational scholarships to spouses and children of America’s fallen and disabled service members.

Sept 11: The 208th Transportation Company of the 418th Quartermaster Battalion Family Day
The family day event was held at the Continental Reserve Park in Marana. There were 150 soldiers and family members in attendance. Lots of food, an assortment of beverages and fun activities to keep everyone happy. It was a beautiful day and a wonderful family event. We started with an Opening Ceremony including a September 11, 2001 Remembrance, Soldier Achievement Recognitions, and a Promotion Ceremony. The Post and the Auxiliary Unit team were recognized for our steadfast support and kind assistance. Nine Post and Auxiliary Unit volunteers made today’s event happen. Jim Barnhart and Jim Burt – cooks, Mary Couture – kid’s toys and school supplies, Rosie Gonzales – setup tables and coordination, Lori Oehlert – raffle tickets and Dan McGregor – event coordinator. Gary Smith, Josephine Di Gennaro and Rick Gonzales arrived to help despite earlier conflicts. And of course, a pie-in-the-face for the 208th leadership.

Sept 16: Post membership meeting.
Another great turnout. Recently appointed Oro Valley Police Chief Kara Riley addressed the meeting attendees. Commander Wayne Larroque asked that the members of the Post’s color/honor guard come forward and be recognized for their unselfish dedication to spreading patriotism throughout the community and remembering and honoring deceased veterans.

Sept 16: Auxiliary Unit meeting:
District 2 President, Diane Helser, visited Unit 132 to preside over the installation of the elected 2022 officers. Elected officers raised their hands to be sworn in: (In order of installation) Sgt.-at-Arms – Peggy Smith; Chaplain – Karen Lipphardt; Historian – Jo DiGennaro; Secretary/Treasurer – Onita Davis; Recording Secretary – Chris Kennedy; 1st Vice President – Lori Oehlert; Executive Committee Voting Members – Mary Couture, Judy Haberski, Anne Stiles, Alice Bever, Rosie Gonzales; Unit President – Melinda Nay.

Sept 18, Post 132 “Adopt-A-Road” clean-up:
Keeping Oro Valley the Clean Scene! Members of the Post equipped with pick-up tools and trash bags, removed debris from the Post’s assigned one mile stretch along Tangerine Rd. The clean-up turns into a social gathering and fun is had by all. Thanks to Tom Roblee for coordinating this quarterly activity and to the volunteers who make it happen. Today’s volunteers were Larry McNamee, Matt Tombre and Dan McGregor. This is a low stress, fun activity. Post, Auxiliary, SAL and Riders members are welcome.

September 25: Post 132 Honor Guard rendered Military Funeral Honors for Navy veteran:
The service, held at the Vistoso Memorial Chapel, was for Lynn W. Sutliff, a 20-year US Navy Veteran. Five Post 132 Honor Guard members participated in the event: Danny Lemon, Jim Martens, Gene Wickey, Fred Sheaffer and John Madaloni. Post members Don Besse and Tom Roblee were also present along with two US Navy Honor Guard service members. The Sutliff family was deeply touched by the service and expressed their sincerest gratitude to the Post 132 Honor Guard. The Post 132 Honor Guard is proud to honor and remember our deceased veterans.