Golf course green trees and grass with mountain in background.

June 5, 2022 Newsletter.

OV Post 132 Special Post Meeting.

Thursday, June 16, Special Post meeting with a complimentary catered meal. Meal service begins at 5:15 pm, meeting begins at 6:30 pm and will include the installation of the Post officers for the 2022-2023 leadership year. Please attend to show your support for the Post’s newly elected officers. Members of the Legion, SAL, ALR, and Auxiliary are invited to enjoy the catered meal. No guests this time, please. The meal is catered by Rosati’s Italian Restaurant. Note: No Post or Auxiliary meetings during July and August. The next meetings will be on September 15. Meeting location: Vistoso Memorial Chapel, 2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley. POC: Gary Smith 214-431-2187 or [email protected].

Upcoming Dates and activities to remember (mark your calendar):

U. S. Army Anniversary with U. S. Flag background.

June 14, U. S. Army Birthday: Happy birthday to the largest branch of the United States (U.S.) military, the U.S. Army! Today, the Army celebrates 247 years of service to our great nation.  To our Army Veterans, thank you for making our Army the most formidable in the world, and for the many sacrifices you’ve made to protect our country. Again, happy birthday to the U.S. Army!

Flag Day June 14 with United States Flag.

June 14, Flag Day ceremonies: Post 132 will again partner with the Catalina Mountain Elks Lodge to celebrate National Flag Day. An Elks Flag Day ceremony, beginning at 1111 am will be followed at 12:15 am by the formal and moving American Legion Unserviceable Flags Ceremony with the Post Color Guard and concluding with the dignified and respectful ritual burning of the ceremonial flag. Post 132 collects more than 3500 unserviceable American flags each year for proper disposal. A catered lunch will follow but please RSVP to Wayne Larroque at [email protected] or call 520-825-0732 if staying for lunch. Location: Vistoso Memorial Chapel (same location as our monthly meetings) 2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd. Oro Valley.

G.I. Bill with graduation hat.

June 22. Passage of the GI Bill: Did you know that The American Legion drafted the original tenets of the legislation and played a lead role, despite early opposition (documented) by all other Veterans organizations of the time, in the passage of the June 22, 1944 Servicemen’s Readjustment Act, better known as the GI Bill? Did you know that the American Legion’s version of the GI Bill legislation was the only version submitted to Congress that specifically included minorities and women as beneficiaries of the legislation? 

June 23-26, 103rd American Legion Department of AZ Convention: Post 132 has the honor of being the local host Post of this major event. The Oro Valley El Conquistador Resort is the venue. The host Post is responsible for volunteers to staff on-site registration of Legion and SAL members attending the event. The host is also responsible for promoting, receiving, and processing ads received from businesses and organizations from the local community for inclusion in the event program guidebook, a copy of which is provided to each of the 900 plus attendees. Attention please: We have a need for additional volunteers to help out with on-site registration. If interested in helping please contact Michael Bartelle at [email protected] or 520-279-5393.

Golf course with green grass and mountains in background.

13th Annual Post 132 Golf Tournament: Fundraising is a vitally important activity which allows us to fund our award-winning programs. To help us carry on our mission of care and assistance, we are sponsoring our 13th annual golf tournament, August 27, at the SaddleBrooke Mountain View Golf Club. Help spread the word. One hundred percent of the proceeds are used to fund our nationally acclaimed programs that benefit local veterans and service members in need, the youth of our community and which promote traditional American values. Quote: “The American Legion Oro Valley Post 132 has been a steadfast ray of hope to our less fortunate veterans by providing care and assistance when most needed”. Words spoken by the Chairman of the Tucson Veterans Serving Veterans Alliance. We ARE making a difference. See attached flyer & Post 132 background document. POC is Steve Didio, golf tournament chair, at 520-332-9481 or [email protected] or go to our website

Past Activities and Information: 

Thank You on purple background.

Membership: Another exceptional year thanks to our loyal members. We finished the membership year at 101% of our membership goal with 514 members. Just a short 13 years ago we began our journey with 77 members. Our Post is recognized for its exemplary leadership, its active and friendly members, and our many award-winning programs. Thank you for making it happen.

In Memoriam Poppy And U. S. Flag.

Memorial Day weekend. Distributing poppies: More than 2,100 handmade paper poppies were distributed to the public over Memorial Day weekend by members of Auxiliary Unit 132 with assistance from many members of the Post. Members of the American Legion Auxiliary have been distributing poppies to the public for 103 years. Unlike most Legion Auxiliary Units that no longer make the effort to make poppies available to the public, members of Auxiliary Unit 132 do every year. Each year many members of the community make a special trip to one of the two Fry’s Grocery Stores in Oro Valley for their personal poppy. They know that our auxiliary members will be there. All donations received are used for the care and assistance of local veterans in need. A special thank you to the many Post members who made donations to the Auxiliary’s poppy program and who helped distribute the poppies. Photos in the next newsletter.

Contact Info: Facebook:

Post Website:

Post Mailing address: Oro Valley Post 132, PO Box 69665, Oro Valley, AZ 85737

SAL Squadron 132 email address: [email protected].

Post 132 Commander Wayne Larroque 520-301-5303, [email protected].

SAL Squadron 132 Commander Ed Davis 520-229-1064, [email protected]

Riders Chapter 132 Director Rick Bernard 510-493-1559, [email protected].

Service Officer: Jim Martens 503-939-1570, [email protected].

Auxiliary Unit President: Melinda Nay, [email protected]

Auxiliary Unit website:

Ed Davis, Past Commander/Newsletter Editor, 520-229-1064, [email protected].

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