"National Guard".

Dec. 9, 2021 Oro Valley Post 132  Newsletter.

Oro Valley Post 132 and Family activities and info relevant to veterans.

Post and Auxiliary membership meetings:

Thursday, Dec. 16, at the Vistoso Memorial Chapel, 2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley. This is our special  Christmas/Hanukkah meeting and social event. A complimentary catered meal, from Rosati’s Italian Restaurant, will be served beginning at 5:30 pm. An abbreviated business meeting begins at 6:30 PM. All members of the Post, Auxiliary, SAL, and Riders are invited to attend both the meal and the meeting. Some families have multiple family members who are members of the aforementioned groups, all are invited. Auxiliary Unit will not have a separate meeting.

Upcoming Dates and activities to remember:

Dec 11, Rockin’ 4 Heroes:  A wonderful opportunity to honor our First Responders, Active-Duty Military, Veterans, and Gold Star Families. December 11, 1:30 pm, James D. Kriegh Park, Oro Valley. Attend this event at NO CHARGE. Proceeds benefit the Veterans and First Responders Living Memorial which is to be built on land donated by the town of Oro Valley. Bring your lawn chairs or blankets. Food trucks fare, and beverages will be available for purchase. With multiple sold-out U.S. tours under its belt, Leonid & Friends, comprised of eleven accomplished musicians, continues to astound its global audience with its unique ability in capturing the spirit, musicality, and fire of American supergroup “Chicago”.

December 13, National Guard’s 385th Birthday: Always ready, always there, since 1636.

Rememberance Day Wreath And Flag.

Dec 18, National Remembrance Day: Simultaneous wreath-laying ceremonies at over 1100 participating cemeteries across the country, (10 AM AZ local time). Public is welcome to attend the 30-minute service followed by the placement of the wreaths. Bring the kids and grandkids. Local participating cemeteries: Evergreen, Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Marana, Holy Hope, East Lawn, and South Lawn. The schedule is the same at all. Thanks to the kind support of members of the Post, SAL, and Riders, and of the local community, Auxiliary Unit 132 is once again the community partner sponsoring the greatest number of Remembrance Wreaths, more than 800, for local cemeteries.

Past Activities and Information:

Please renew your membership: Unfortunately, with the current membership year nearing its end, only 72% of our members have renewed their membership in the best American Legion Post in Arizona. Your membership has never been more important to the Post’s on-going mission of service, of being a force for Veterans and service members in need, the community and traditional American values. Together we have made a difference. Even if you are not an active member, your membership helps to strengthen our collective voice on important issues affecting the Veteran community. Thank you for your loyalty and faithful support of this great organization and its mission of service. Renewing online is a convenient and easy alternative to mailing a check. Go to www.legion.org/renew. You will need to enter your membership number. Contact me if you need assistance, Steve Didio [email protected] or 520-219-9997. The 2022 dues are $40. If you are mailing a check, make payable to American Legion OV Post 132, and mail to P.O. Box 69665, Oro Valley, AZ 85737.

Tucson VA, COVID 19 Vaccine Update: The COVID vaccine clinic moved to the SAVAHCS Auditorium, Bldg. 4 on November 1st. Veteran COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters (Moderna and Janssen) are available in the Bldg. 4 Auditorium,  by appointment only, 8 am to 4 pm, Monday through Friday. Veterans receiving VA-provided care can call 520-629-4729 to make an appointment. Please bring your vaccine card.

The Northwest VA community clinic is moving: The new location is 3920 West Linda Vista Boulevard. The old clinic at the Southwest corner of Ina and Shannon will be permanently closed Friday, December 10, 2021, and the clinic at the new location will open on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, at 1 PM. While the old clinic is closed during this move-in period, Medical Support Assistants will provide telephone coverage. Veterans can reach them by calling the Ocotillo Clinic at 520-629-4881. For health concerns during this time, please call the Nurse Advice Line at 1-877-252-4866 or come to the SAVAHCS Emergency Department for any emergent health care needs.

New VA benefits guide downloadable edition:


United Through Reading: Service members and Veterans never have to miss story time with children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews, or another special child thanks to United Through Reading (UTR). For over 30 years, UTR has helped service members and Veterans video record themselves reading a book to send to a child in their life, reading together no matter the distance. Their new free and secure app is available on Android and iOS. Military and Veteran status can be verified with ID.me, the same partner and login option available for signing into VA.govVeterans can download it here. Need a free book? No problem, order one from their app book order form. By making recordings with UTR, Veterans and service members will always be able to participate in storytime with the children in their lives. Children can watch the recordings on-demand.

Unserviceable U.S. flags disposal program: Post 132 has 8 flag drop-off collection receptacles placed throughout the community.  This important service to the community generates more than 3,000 unserviceable U.S. flags collected each year. The U.S. Flag Code states that when the U.S. flag is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, it should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning. Thanks to Tucson Trans Chem Environmental for providing the disposal service to the Post at no charge. Left to right, Post member Leon Donahue, Trans Chem manager Ron Truman, and Post member Rick Gonzales with a drop off of 500 unserviceable flags.

Celebrate America: Wayne Larroque, Post 132 Commander and the Color Guard participated in the opening ceremony of the Saddlebrooke MountainView/Preserve Women’s Golf Association (MPWGA) Golf Tournament.  Ninety-two ladies participated in the Celebrate America Tournament. Commander Larroque addressed the participants and used the opportunity to promote membership in the Post and Auxiliary. The Post Color Guard presented the colors. Thank you to Post member Larry McNamee and SaddleBrooke resident Loralee Horwedel for coordinating the Post’s participation. Just one of many community events supported by the Post.

November 6, Tribute to Veterans breakfast: Post commander, Wayne Larroque, and Post historian, Dan McGregor, participated in the special breakfast at the Resurrection Lutheran Church in Oro Valley. Sixty Veterans and friends attended to dedicate the occasion to Veterans, fellowship and mutual support. Commander Larroque gave an inspirational speech on Tribute to Veterans: Duty, Honor, Country.

Nov 18, Auxiliary Unit announces raffle winners: The raffle prizes were donated by local women owned businesses to help fund the Unit’s programs which benefit veterans, service members, and their families along with first responders, and the youth of our community. First prize: 3 Hours at Planet Beach with 8 friends; Second prize: One night’s stay at Sheraton El Conquistador; Third prize: Wine Tasting Party with 12 friends: Judy Haberski; Fourth prize: Wine Tasting Party with 12 friends. Congratulations to the winners. Thank you to all who supported this fundraiser.

"Post Everlasting Bugler."
"Post Everlasting Honor Guard."

Nov 18, Post Everlasting Service: During the membership meeting, a Post Everlasting Service, for members who have died since November 2020, was conducted. A Post Everlasting service is to recognize, honor and remember the deceased and their service and sacrifice to our nation. The service included the reading of the names, branch and period of service. The Post’s honor guard performed the stacking of riffles, a firing salute and the playing of TAPS. Post Everlasting is the final destination within The American Legion to which our departed comrades transfer when they are called for duty by the Supreme Commander. The Post honored and remembered 29 departed members.  

Contact info, Facebook: Please like, follow, and share with others to help spread the word about our Post and its award-winning programs. www.facebook.com/ovamericanlegionPost132

Post Website: www.ovamericanlegion132.com

Post Mailing address: Oro Valley Post 132, PO Box 69665, Oro Valley, AZ 85737

SAL Squadron 132 email address: [email protected]

Post 132 Commander Wayne Larroque 520-301-5303, [email protected]

SAL Squadron 132 Commander Ed Davis 520-229-1064, [email protected]  

Riders Chapter 132 Director Rick Bernard 510-493-1559, [email protected]

Service Officer: Carla Hodge 602-535-1215

Auxiliary Unit President: Melinda Nay, [email protected]   

Auxiliary Unit website: www.ovunit132.info

Ed Davis, Past Post Commander/Newsletter Editor, 520-229-1064, [email protected]  

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