Oro Valley Post 132 and Family activities and info relevant to veterans.
Post and Auxiliary membership meetings: Thursday, January 20 at the Vistoso Memorial Chapel, 2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley. A social with complimentary refreshments will follow each meeting of the Post and Auxiliary. Meetings are 3rd Thursday of the month, 6:30pm. Auxiliary members meet in a separate room, same time, same location. POC is Gary Smith 214-431-2187 or ovsquadron132@gmail.com.
Riders Chapter 132 membership meeting: Wednesday, Jan 5, 6:30pm at Elks Lodge #385, 1800 N. Oracle Rd. Meetings are on 1st Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm. Members of the American Legion Riders are members of the Legion, Sons of the American Legion and of the Auxiliary, who are motorcycle riding enthusiasts. Riders Chapter 132 Director – Rick Bernard 510-493-1559 or rreb59@gmail.com.
Upcoming Dates and activities to remember (Mark Your Calendars):
Feb. 3, National Four Chaplains Day: The story: On Feb. 3, 1943, an enemy torpedo struck the Army transport Dorchester as it carried 902 officers and enlisted men, Navy armed guard, merchant seamen crew and civilian workers in the North Atlantic. The Coast Guard cutter escorts Comanche and Escanaba rescued 230 men. As the Dorchester took on water, four Army chaplains – Lt. George L. Fox (Methodist), Lt. Alexander D. Goode (Jewish), Lt. John P. Washington (Roman Catholic), and Lt. Clark V. Poling (Dutch Reformed) – calmed frightened soldiers, aided the wounded and guided the disoriented toward safety. On deck, they opened a storage locker and began distributing life jackets. When there were no more available, the chaplains removed their life jackets and gave them to four young men. “It was the finest thing I have seen or hope to see this side of heaven,” said John Ladd, a survivor. As the ship went down, men in rafts saw the four chaplains, arms linked and braced against the slanting deck, singing hymns and praying.
How we remember them. COVID restrictions apply: Every year, American Legion Posts nationwide commemorate the selfless acts of the Four Chaplains on or near Feb. 3, designated Four Chaplains Day by Congress in 1948. Members of the American Legion Family and members of local communities honor the chaplains and the 668 other men who died when the Dorchester sank. The local Four Chaplains Day observance will take place February 6, 1 pm, at Kino Veterans Memorial Park, 2805 E. Ajo Way, Tucson. Post 132’s Honor Guard will perform a firing salute and a representative of the Post and Auxiliary Unit will place a wreath during the service. Due to COVID related restrictions, the memorial service will be live-streamed on the South Lawn Cemetery’s Facebook site at www.facebook.com/FunerariaDelAngelSouthLawn/.
Past Activities and Information:
November 19, baby shower for expectant Veteran mothers: Oro Valley Auxiliary Unit 132 donated to the Tucson VA a huge supply of items for the soon to arrive babies of expecting Veterans. A comment from one of the recipients “Everything was so wonderful. I especially appreciated the handmade items. A BIG thanks to the American Legion Auxiliary Oro Valley Unit for donating the needed items”.
November 27, Oro Valley Post 132 Honor Guard rendered Military Honors for U.S. Army Veteran: The memorial service for U. S. Army veteran Michael A. Sanford was held at Tucson Elks Lodge 385. Along with Commander Wayne Larroque, eight Post 132 Honor Guard members participated in the service. Jim Barnhart (Team Leader), Danny Lemon, Don Besse, Jim Seppala and Tom Roblee as Riflemen, Gene Wickey and Jim Martens as Flag Folders and Dan McGregor as Bugler. Commander Larroque presented the folded flag to the Sanford family. The Sanford family members expressed their appreciation to the honor guard for helping to make the service a memorable and dignified memorial to their loved one.
November 29, donation to Tucson VA COVID clinic: Oro Valley Post 132 donated two truckloads of water and snacks to the COVID Clinic. Commander Wayne Larroque, Tom Roblee and Dan McGregor picked up 45 cases of water and 8 cases of snacks and delivered them to the Clinic. The COVID Clinic staff were all very thankful for the Post’s donation. The clinic staff members are administering COVID vaccines and flu shots to hundreds of veterans daily. Photo: Post members with Mandy Martell, Chief, SAVAHCS Center for Development & Civic Engagement (formally known as Voluntary Service), Angela “Kimmy” Kamerer, Assistant Chief, SAVAHCS Center for Development & Civic Engagement, and Kristina Blake, Program Support Assistant, SAVAHCS Center for Development & Civic Engagement. Notice the cases of water stacked in the background? That’s only part of the delivery, the rest, along with the snacks were stacked at the other end of the auditorium.
December 1, a donation to housing program for our less fortunate Veterans: Oro Valley Auxiliary Unit 132 member, Judy Haberski, delivered a variety of items, donated by the Unit, to the Tucson 51 Homes for Vets program. The items fill hygiene bags given to veterans moving into their apartments. The Tucson 51 Homes for Veterans program helps formerly homeless veterans into furnished apartments. The furnishings are donated by local organizations including our Post and Auxiliary Unit. The veterans appreciate the opportunity to once again live in a safe and comfortable place. If you would like to personally help, there is always a need for twin sheets, new or gently used towels and kitchen supplies. Call Judy Haberski if you wish to donate, 520-591-7741.
Contact info,Facebook: Please like, follow, and share with others to help spread the word about our Post and its award-winning programs. www.facebook.com/ovamericanlegionPost132.