January 12, 2021 Newsletter

Oro Valley Post 132 and Family activities and info relevant to veterans, Jan 12, 2021
Greetings and best wishes to all.

Jan 21 Post Meeting (6:30pm): Cancelled: Members of the Post’s Executive Committee, who continue to meet each month using video conferencing, have reluctantly decided to cancel the Jan 21 meeting due to a surge in COVID cases within our community. Thank you for your patience and understanding. POC: Gary Smith 214-431-2187 or [email protected]

Riders Chapter 132 Membership Meeting: Meeting information will be forthcoming when confirmed. Members of the American Legion Riders are members of the American Legion, Sons of the American Legion and of the Auxiliary, all who are motorcycle riding enthusiasts. POC is Chapter President Jeff Fawks 661-802-2596 [email protected]

Quote of the Day:  “Try to stay in the middle of the air. Do not go near the edges of it. The edges of the air can be recognized by the appearance of ground, buildings, sea, trees and interstellar space. It is much more difficult to fly there.” – RAF instructor.

 Dates and activities to remember:

Feb 3 (date is confirmed but with a change of venue): The American Legion Oratorical Scholarship program: A US Constitution knowledge based oratorical contest in which local high school students compete. We are expecting a large number of contestants this year which will require additional volunteers. The Post 132 sponsored program is the most successful in the state. The first level of competition of the 2021 program is scheduled February 3 at the Vistoso Memorial Chapel/Funeral Home at 2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley, 4p-6p. This is the official Post level competition and 12-14 volunteers, performing simple assignments, are required to conduct the competition. Assignments to be filled are judges, time keepers, contestant escorts, holding rooms monitors, and ushers. Please consider volunteering and supporting these talented and patriotic students who orate about citizenship and the U.S. Constitution. Even if you are not volunteering, please attend and show your support. There are five levels of competition beginning at the local Post level leading to the National competition with monetary awards at each level. Post 132 has sponsored three of the last six Dept of AZ delegates sent to the national competition. If you are interested in supporting this important youth citizenship program, please contact Post 132 member George Eveland 540-446-9801 or [email protected] You will be glad that you did. COVID precaution compliant measures will be in effect. (above pictures taken during last year’s contest).

February 7 Sunday, Four Chaplains Memorial Service: A day set aside to honor and remember the four U.S. Army chaplains who gave their lives to save others when the troop ship USAT Dorchester was torpedoed and sank during World War II. Kino Veterans Memorial Park, 2805 E. Ajo Way, Tucson. COVID restrictions may affect the service. More to come.

December 19: National Wreaths Across America Remembrance Day. A day to Honor and Remember. Due to COVID restrictions, only family members of interred veterans and a limited number of members of local Veterans organizations were permitted to place Remembrance Wreaths at the Marana, AZ Veterans Memorial Cemetery. During the virtual service held at the Marana cemetery, our Auxiliary Unit received special recognition for sponsoring 903 wreaths. Because of their herculean efforts, this was the first year that every interment site, all 1300, received a Remembrance Wreath. A special thank you to those who sponsored a wreath(s) through the Auxiliary Unit. You made it possible. Our Post’s color guard, bugler and chaplain contributed to a memorable Remembrance Service. Worldwide, more than 2.0M wreaths were placed on Dec 19.

Despite the appearance of a motley crew on an early Saturday morning, members of the Post’s leadership continue to meet each month using video conferencing to carryout Post business. See attached Dec executive committee meeting minutes. Despite challenging times, your Post continues in a leadership role within southern Arizona providing care and assistance to veterans and Guard and Reserve members struggling to provide for their families.

January 30, Saturday: Post 132 “Adopt-A-Road” clean-up: 0900 hrs. It’s that time again. Meet in parking lot of St. Marks R.C. Church, 2727 W Tangerine Rd in Oro Valley. Please provide name and phone number in advance to POC Tom Roblee 509-910-9323, [email protected] Help pick up trash along a stretch of Tangerine while enjoying the company of fellow Post members, at a safe distance of course. Arrive a few minutes early to sign-in and to receive your vest and trash grabber tool. This is a low stress, fun activity.


Fulfilling the American Legion guiding principle of “Service, not Self”, we continue to make a difference in the lives of others: Post 132 and its Family member entities, the Auxiliary, the Sons of the American Legion, and the Riders have gained a well-deserved reputation as caring and giving organizations. How are we helping? Just in the past few weeks, grocery store gift cards were provided to several Guard and Reserve members struggling to provide for their families. Quote from a Guard member “I wanted to thank you for the Fry’s gift cards. Words cannot express the appreciation we feel for willing organizations like yours to help out families in times of need. 2020 has been a crazy year for a lot of people including us but it is so nice to know that we have people we can turn to for help. We commit to paying it forward and help others in need as we move forward. God Bless”

COVID vaccine update: As vaccines become available, VA care teams will reach out to eligible Veterans to schedule vaccinations. There is no need to preregister or go to a facility to sign up. Veterans can get up-to-date information and sign up to receive regular updates on VA’s COVID-19 vaccine webpage. Contact your local VA facility if you have questions. Eventually, the VA intends to offer a free COVID-19 vaccine to all Veterans receiving VA health care and who want one. If you’re not currently receiving health care through the VA, you can apply now to learn if you are eligible.

To find a VA location: www.va.gov/find-locations

One phone number to reach the VA: Veterans, did you know the VA now has one number you can call when you don’t know who to call? 1-800-698-2411 One number for information on VA care, benefits, and services or to speak to a live agent for assistance.

COVID vaccine scams target veterans: How not to get ripped off by scammers. For answers, go to www.blogs.va.gov/VAntage/83137/veterans-avoid-covid-19-vaccine-scams/

Find a veteran, post a tribute: www.va.gov/remember  allows family, friends, and others to search the more than 3.7M Veterans interred in VA’s National Cemeteries to post tributes, share photos, and view service information. This does not include Arlington National Cemetery, which is administered by the US Army, and State Veterans Cemeteries such as Marana.

The National Cemetery Administration “find a veteran” link:  www.gravelocator.cem.va.gov/  For all NCA administered and state veterans’ cemeteries such as Marana. Includes grave site location info.

Obtain Military Service Records: www.archives.gov/veterans/military-service-records for DD214/separation docs, Official Military Personnel File (OMPF), replacement medals & medical records.


**Raffle**: (Update: only 96 tickets sold to date) A Post member donated a Colt reproduction of a mid-nineteenth century Colt .36 cal black powder pistol. Identical in every way to the original: exquisite blueing, case hardened and engraved cylinder. Comes in a nice wood case. Est value $750. Includes a free pass to the Marksman Pistol Institute Gun Range. Only 250 tickets to be sold! $10 Each All proceeds to benefit local veterans in need. Drawing NLT 01 March 2021. You do not need to be present to win. NICS background check not required for black powder guns. To order tickets, make check payable to A.L. Oro Valley Post 132 (on memo line enter: gun raffle) Mail to: Oro Valley Post 132, PO Box 69665, Oro Valley, AZ 85737. Include name and contact info. Post POC is Gary Smith: [email protected] or 214-431-2187.

Record your military service in our Post’s History Book:  Post historian Don Luke is assembling a military service page for each Post member who wishes to participate. Please provide copies of photos taken during your service, rate/rank, rating, dates of service, branch, tours of duty, assignments, awards, medals, special recognition, training, etc. Send to Don at [email protected] or to American Legion OV Post 132, PO Box 69665, Oro Valley, AZ 85737.

Sons of the American Legion (SAL): Established in 1932, the purpose of the SAL is to afford an opportunity to males of all ages to honor the military service and sacrifice of a parent or grandparent and its mission is to support the programs and activities of the American Legion. This is accomplished through 54 state and foreign detachments representing 6,212 Squadrons comprising a total of 377,869 members. POC: Ed Davis, Squadron 132 commander 520-229-1064, [email protected]. National accomplishments of the SAL in 2020:

– Children & Youth: $2.5M raised in support and 289,555 vol hrs
– VA: 426,469 vol hrs and $1.9M donations
– Legion Family’s Support network: $68,534 donated; 22,793 vol hrs
– Legion Child Welfare Foundation: $615,584 donated; 73,125 vol hrs
– Color Guard appearances: 14,967
– Legion Baseball teams sponsored: 159
– Flag retirement ceremonies: 14,428
– Boys State delegates sponsored: 1,123
Wishing everyone a safe, healthy and happy new year.  

Contact Info: Facebook: Please like, follow and share with others to help spread the word about our Post and award winning programs.


Post Website: www.ovamericanlegion132.com

Post Mailing address: Oro Valley Post 132, PO Box 69665, Oro Valley, AZ 85737

Post 132 commanderWayne Larroque (520) 301-5303[email protected]

SAL Squadron 132 email address [email protected]

SAL Squadron 132 commander – Ed Davis, (520) 229-1064, [email protected]

Riders Chapter 132 president – Jeff Fawks (661) 802-2596 [email protected]  

Post Service Officer: Jim Martens (503) 939-1570 / [email protected]

Auxiliary Unit president: Anne Stiles, [email protected]

Ed Davis, Past Commander/Newsletter Editor, 520-229-1064, [email protected] 


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