Sept / Oct/ Nov 2019 Newsletter

American Legion Oro Valley Post 132, Auxiliary and SAL activities and info relevant to veterans 

 Post and Auxiliary meetings: Thursday, Nov 21, 6:30pm at Vistoso Memorial Chapel, 2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd, Oro Valley. A Post Everlasting service, ending with a rifle salute, will be held at the beginning of the meeting to honor and remember the deceased Post members who have transferred to Post Everlasting during the past 12 months. Please attend to show your respect. A social with refreshments follow each meeting, compliments of the Post. Meetings are 3rd Thursday of the month, September to June (no meetings July and August), 6:30pm. Auxiliary Unit members meet in a separate room, same location, same day.

Sons of the American Legion (SAL) Squadron 132 membership meeting: Saturday, Nov 16, 10:30am, (note time change for November meeting only) at the Vistoso Memorial Chapel, 2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley. Membership in the SAL is open to male descendants, regardless of age, of a parent or grandparent who served in the U.S. military during a period of American Legion eligibility and who is a member of the American Legion or who meets the service requirements but is deceased.

Riders Chapter 132 membership meeting: Thursday, Nov 6, 6:30pm. Members of the American Legion Riders are members of the Legion, Sons of the American Legion and of the Auxiliary, all who are motorcycle riding enthusiasts. Meetings are at the Catalina Elks Lodge  16045 N. Oracle Rd in Catalina. Meet 1st Thursday of the month.

Dates and activities to remember:

November 10, 2018 – 244th Marine Corps Birthday

November 11, 2018 – Armistice Day (France)

November 11, 2018 – Veterans Day

October 26-28 Honor Flight: Honor Flight’s mission is to honor the service and sacrifice of veterans who answered the call of duty by flying them to Washington DC for a tour of the memorials… no cost to them. Now accepting applications from WWII, Korean War and Vietnam War era veterans who served on active duty. American Legion Oro Valley Post and Auxiliary Unit 132 are partners with the Honor Flight program of southern Arizona. Twenty three WWII, Korean, and Vietnam veterans are on this flight. Departure: Tucson airport, Saturday October 26, Cheer the vets as they head toward the boarding gate area NLT 5:30am. Return: Monday October 28, assemble at 7:30pm and be part of a huge “Welcome Home”. Bring the children and grandkids for an experience they will never forget. Call or go online for flight details. If you are interested in participating on a future Honor Flight, submit your application now. Website: or call 520-204-1391

Veterans Day Week schedule: Post 132 will be involved in many events and programs during Veterans Day week. The Post’s Color Guard will perform at four venues. Come out and support the schools and be recognized for your service by the children who spend hours practicing their Veterans Day programs in your honor. All veterans welcome, not just Post 132 members. For information contact Color Guard scheduling coordinator Gene Wickey (cell) 714 313 7000 [email protected]

Nov. 8             9:00 AM           Wilson K-8 School                    2330 W Glover Rd, Oro Valley

Nov. 8             9:00 & 10AM    Coronado K-8 School              3401 E Wilds Rd, Catalina

Nov. 11           10:30 AM         Pusch Ridge Christian Acad.     9500 N Oracle Rd Oro Valley

Nov. 11           11:00 AM          Sun City Activity Ctr                1495 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd, Oro Valley

Veterans Day Deals, Discounts and Freebies: Go to:

Post and Auxiliary Activities:

Helping our less fortunate veterans. August 15: the one day Tucson Resource Fair for homeless and At Risk veterans was another resounding success. Two hundred and ninety veterans and family members, either homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, attended the Resource Fair. More than fifty services and resource providers participated in the event offering assistance such as enrollment in the VA, medical care, housing, legal services, hygiene care, meals, clothing and care for their pets. Twenty-three members of the Post and Auxiliary Unit 132 volunteered their time and talent ensuring that the veterans received needed care and assistance. Once again, Post and Unit 132 fielded more volunteers than any other support organization.

We are making a difference. A local veteran, who had been homeless, recently moved into a run-down motel after becoming employed by a community outreach organization as a case aide. His pregnant daughter then came to him for help when she had nowhere else to turn. The veteran determined to get his life together and to begin to care for his desperately needy family. There was one big problem, he didn’t have the money for the deposit and 1st month’s rent for an apartment which would provide a safe environment for he and family. Tucson Veterans Serving Veterans reached out to Veterans groups within the Tucson area and only Post and Auxiliary Unit 132 came to the rescue providing the necessary funds. The veteran and his family are now happy and safe in their apartment. The veteran is doing everything necessary to improve his life and to care for his family. Without the Post and Auxiliary immediately coming to the aide of this veteran, who knows what would have happened to he, his daughter and his granddaughter. No other Veterans Service Organization in southern Arizona does more for veterans and service members in need……….none.

August 31: The August 31 Post 132 annual golf tournament fundraiser, held at The Views GC at Sun City Oro Valley, was a huge success. A heartfelt thank you to the golfers, many who have played in 7 or more of the 10 Post sponsored tournaments, the kind and generous sponsors, and the individuals and businesses who donated raffle prizes. Thank you for helping us to help them. All of the proceeds will be used by the award winning Oro Valley Post 132 to provide care and assistance to local Veterans in need and the families of deployed Guard and Reserve Units. Twelve volunteers from the Auxiliary provided invaluable support.

October 12 –Post 132 sponsored American Legion centennial celebration: The community event was held at Riverfront Park in Oro Valley. More than 400 attended the event. Most gratifying was the unexpectedly high number of families who attended. Much to do and see with 17 Post 132 community partners participating, period military equipment, first responder displays, pet patriotic costume contest, food vendors, and more.

Great Expectations: The VA’s Million Veteran Program has more than 750,000 participants who have voluntarily enroll in the research database program – making the program the largest genomic database in the world. Participants donate blood from which DNA is extracted. A baseline and periodic follow-up surveys track Veterans’ military experiences, health and lifestyles. Researchers believe the information contained in the database could hold the key to preventing and treating diseases. To learn more and to enroll go to All veteran’s information is kept confidential.

Free Flu shots ay Walgreens: VA and Walgreens are national partners, providing no-cost flu shots to enrolled Veterans of the VA health care system. Now through March 31, 2020, go to any Walgreens pharmacy, show your Veterans Health Identification Card and another form of photo ID.

The Exchange welcomes all honorably discharged veterans: Establish an account and shop online.

National Resource Directory: Did you know that the NRD has more than 14,000 vetted resources available? The directory is an extensive source of information for childcare, education and training, healthcare needs, legal assistance, rest and relaxation, peer support, mentoring, and much more. Featured Resource: Mercy Medical Angels Since 1972 Mercy Medical Angels has led the nation with charitable transportation to medical care. Today more than 17,000 free trips to medical care are provided each year

Contact Info: Facebook: Please like, follow and share with others to help spread the word about our Post and award winning programs.


Mailing address: Oro Valley Post 132, PO Box 69665, Oro Valley, AZ 85737

Riders Chapter 132 Facebook page:

Post 132 commanderDan McGregor 425-681-3962 [email protected]

SAL Squadron 132 commander – Ed Davis 520-229-1064 [email protected]

Riders Chapter 132 president – Jeff Fawks 661-802-2596 [email protected]  

Post Service Officer: Jim Martens 503-939-1570 / [email protected]

Auxiliary Unit president: Rosie Gonzales 520-400-0224 [email protected]

Ed Davis, Past Commander/Newsletter Editor, 520-229-1064, [email protected]  

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