February 1, 2021 Newsletter

Oro Valley Post 132 and Family activities and info relevant to veterans, February 01, 2021
Greetings and best wishes to all.

Feb 18 Post Meeting (6:30pm): Status of meeting is under consideration by the members of the executive Committee. A decision will be rendered in advance of the scheduled meeting.  Thank you for your patience and understanding as we do what is necessary to ensure the safety of our members. POC: Gary Smith @ 214-431-2187 or [email protected]

Feb 20 SAL Squadron 132 membership meeting (9:30am): With the small number of members, a virtual meeting will be held. Meetings are 3rd Saturday of the month, 9:30am. If you wish to participate on the zoom call, please contact Gary Smith @ 214-431-2187 or [email protected]

Feb 8 Riders Chapter 132 Membership Meeting (6pm). Members of the American Legion Riders are members of the American Legion, Sons of the American Legion and of the Auxiliary, all who are motorcycle riding enthusiasts. The meeting will be held at the home of Jeff Fawks. Contact Chapter President Jeff Fawks 661-802-2596 or [email protected]

 Dates and activities to remember:

Feb 3, The American Legion Oratorical Scholarship program: A US Constitution knowledge based oratorical contest in which local high school students compete. We are expecting a large number of contestants this year. The Post 132 sponsored program is the most successful in the state. The first level of competition of the 2021 program is February 3 at the Vistoso Memorial Chapel/Funeral Home at 2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley, 4p-6p. This is the official Post level competition. There are five levels of competition beginning at the local Post level leading to the National competition with monetary awards at each level. Post 132 has sponsored three of the last six Dept of AZ delegates sent to the national competition. Post POC is George Eveland @ 540-446-9801 or [email protected]Unfortunately, a limited number of attendees will be permitted with COVID precaution compliant measures in effect.

February 7 Sunday, Four Chaplains Memorial Service (virtual): A day set aside to honor and remember the four U.S. Army chaplains who gave their lives to save others when the troop ship USAT Dorchester was torpedoed and sank during World War II. The memorial service will be live-streamed then available anytime on Facebook.com/FunerariaDelAngelSouthLawn  No Facebook account is needed to view. Did you Know? The Chapel of Four Chaplains will mark its 70th anniversary with a virtual service Feb 3 at 5pm Tucson time. The Chapel is located at Philadelphia Navy Yard. Rev. George Fox (Methodist), Rabbi Alexander Goode (Jewish), Father John Washington (Catholic) and Rev. Clark Poling (Reformed) helped evacuate the ship and guide wounded to safety. As time ran out, they removed their life jackets and gave them to others. Last seen with arms linked, praying and singing hymns as Dorchester sank. The Chaplains perished along with 670 others in the worst single loss of American personnel of any US convoy during WWII.

Past Activities and Information:

Thank you to the 452 members who have renewed their membership in the best little American Post in Arizona.  For those members who haven’t renewed but wish to do so, there is still time. Our loyal members make it possible for the Post to continue to sponsor programs dedicated to preserving American traditions and values, caring for veterans and service members and their families, and teaching the fundamentals of good citizenship to the youth of our community. Renewing online is a convenient and easy alternative to mailing a check. Go to www.legion.org/renewYou will need to enter your membership number. Contact me if you do not know the number, Gary Smith [email protected] or 214-431-2187. If by check, make payable to American Legion OV Post 132, and mail to P.O. Box 69665, Oro Valley, AZ 85737.

January 30, Post 132 “Adopt-A-Road” clean-up: Ten members of our Post pitched in and picked-up trash along a mile stretch of Tangerine Rd. Each member was wearing the latest in roadway cleanup attire. Thanks to Post member Chris Korinek, the new vests identified the wearer as a member of the American Legion Oro Valley Post 132. This is a quarterly event and is more fun than work so consider signing up the next time. POC Tom Roblee @  [email protected]  or 509-910-9323

Auxiliary Oro Valley Unit 132 Caring for Our Less Fortunate Veterans: Auxiliary Unit member Judy Haberski has been instrumental in raising awareness of the needs of veterans participating in the Tucson 51 Homes for Veterans program. A program to help formerly homeless veterans into furnished apartments thanks to the generosity of a local mattress company, and the thoughtful donations of other needed items by Post and Auxiliary Unit 132 and other generous donors. There is always a need for twin sheets, new or gently used towels and kitchen supplies. Call Judy Haberski if you wish to donate, 520-591-7741. Thank you.


COVID vaccine update: VA COVID vaccine update: For everything you want and need to know about the VA’s vaccine program go to https://www.va.gov/health-care/covid-19-vaccine/ (VA now vaccinating Veterans that are 75 and older. If you are enrolled in the VA, and you are 75 and older and have not received a call, contact your VA Primary Care Team. If are not 75 plus, the VA is now allowing you to sign up and to schedule a date to receive the vaccine).

Arizona State Veterans Home-Tucson: The mission of the Arizona State Veteran Home is to provide professional skilled nursing and rehabilitative care for the geriatric and chronically ill veteran and dependent/surviving spouse. A veteran is eligible for admission if honorably-separated and a pre-requisite that the applicant requires skilled nursing care as determined by a physician. Call 602-535-1215 to speak with a Dept of Arizona Veterans Services, Veterans Benefit Counselor (VBC). State Vet Home – Tucson 520-638-2159.

Arizona Veteran Transportation Matters program is a community-action initiative between the Arizona Department of Veterans’ Services (ADVS) and the University of Arizona. The goal is to hear from Veterans in Arizona about their transportation needs. This information will be used to generate potential solutions to improve transportation for veterans. To complete the survey, go to https://azvetsurvey.online/zec  Email [email protected] with questions about the survey. If you or any service member, veteran or family member you know needs help connecting to support or resources, please reach out to our Be Connected program at: www.BeConnectedAZ.org or 1-866-4AZ-VETS (429-8387).

Scam alert from Arizona Dept of Transportation (ADOT): Many Arizonans have reported receiving a scam text about their driver license needing to be updated. The text did not come from the Arizona Department of Transportation. It is an attempt to gain personal identifying information. Do not open the text or any web address associated with it. Never click on unsolicited or suspicious links in texts or emails. The only ADOT website customers should conduct personal business on is AZMVDNow.gov or ServiceArizona.comADOT is working with the Arizona Department of Administration and law enforcement in an effort to protect our customers.


**Raffle** (Update: only 100 tickets sold to date) A Post member donated Colt reproduction of a mid-nineteenth century Colt .36 cal black powder pistol. Identical in every way to the original: exquisite blueing, case hardened and engraved cylinder. Comes in a nice wood case. Est value $750. Includes a free pass to the Marksman Pistol Institute Gun Range. Only 250 tickets to be sold! $10 Each! Anyone, including a non-member, can purchase a ticket(s). All proceeds to benefit local veterans in need. Drawing NLT March 01, 2021. You do not need to be present to win. NICS background check not required for black powder guns. To order tickets, make check payable to A.L. Oro Valley Post 132 (on memo line enter: gun raffle) Mail to: Oro Valley Post 132, PO Box 69665, Oro Valley, AZ 85737. Include name and contact info. Post POC is Gary Smith: [email protected] or 214-431-2187. 

See attached January Executive Committee meeting minutes. 

Wishing everyone a safe, healthy and happy new year.

Contact Info:

Facebook: Please like, follow and share with others to help spread the word about our Post and its award winning programs.  www.facebook.com/ovamericanlegionPost132

Post Website: www.ovamericanlegion132.com

Post Mailing address: Oro Valley Post 132, PO Box 69665, Oro Valley, AZ 85737

Post 132 commanderWayne Larroque (520) 301-5303[email protected]

SAL Squadron 132 email address [email protected]

SAL Squadron 132 commander – Ed Davis, (520) 229-1064, [email protected]

Riders Chapter 132 president – Jeff Fawks (661) 802-2596 [email protected]  

Post Service Officer: Jim Martens (503) 939-1570 / [email protected]

Auxiliary Unit president: Anne Stiles,[email protected]

Ed Davis, Past Commander/Newsletter Editor, 520-229-1064, [email protected] 


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