Oro Valley Post 132 and Family activities/notices and information Oct 27, 2022

Post and Auxiliary membership meetings: Thursday, November 17, 6:30 pm. We will have a Post Everlasting Memorial Service for the 10 Post members who have passed on to Post Everlasting since November 2021. The service will end with a rifle salute and the playing of TAPS. Please attend the meeting to show your respect. Family members of some of the deceased will be in attendance. Auxiliary members meet in a separate room, same time, same location. They will join us for the Post Everlasting Memorial Service. POC is Gary Smith, phone 214-431-2187 or email [email protected].

Post Everlasting Legion Member With United States Flag In Background .

Riders and SAL meeting details will be in the next issue.

Upcoming Dates, activities, and events to remember:

Vote America, Every Vote Counts Banner.

November 8 Election Day: Be sure to vote.

American Legion Auxiliary Banner.

November 10, American Legion Auxiliary Birthday: Established November 10, 1919, the ALA, a patriotic service organization, has been providing care and support to service members and veterans, promoting the welfare of our nation’s youth and traditional American values and supporting other American Legion programs.

United States Marine Corp Birthday Poster With Iwo Jima Flag Raising Statue.

November 10, 247th U.S. Marine Corps Birthday: The US Marine Corps started as the Continental Marines on November 10, 1775. The Second Continental Congress decided that two Battalions of Marines were needed to serve as landing forces with the Continental Navy during the American Revolutionary War.

Veterans Day Poster With United States Flag.

November 11 – Veterans Day/WWI Armistice 1918: World War I fighting ceased between the Allied nations and Germany on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. For that reason, November 11, 1918, is generally regarded as the end of the war. That day is now designated Veterans Day.

Post 132 Color Guard Veterans Day week schedule: The Post’s Color Guard, the most active in Southern Arizona, has another busy schedule during Veterans Day week, with seven performances, a few of which are listed below. All veterans are invited to attend the Coronado School and the Pusch Ridge Christian Academy assemblies. Come out and support these programs, and be recognized for your service. For information call Gene Wickey at 714 313 7000 or email at [email protected].

November 9: Lehman Academy, Oro Valley, 9 am.

November 10: Coronado K-8 school 8 am and 9:15 am, 3401 E Wilds Rd, Catalina.

November 11: Pusch Ridge Christian Academy H.S., 10:30 am, 9500 N Oracle Rd, Oro Valley.

Tucson’s 101st Veterans Day parade: Friday, November 11 at 11 am. The parade begins at the intersection of W. Alameda St. and S. Granada Ave. Arrive early to secure parking. Go to Tucson Veterans Day Parade for all parade information, including the route map, and to register as a participant or as a volunteer.

Veterans Day Freebies And Discounts Poster With United States Flag In Background.

Veterans Day Deals: Go to: www.military.com/veterans-day/veterans-day-military-discounts.html.

Get You Flu Shot Poster With Bullhorn.

For Veterans enrolled in VA Health Care the Tucson VA Medical Center is offering a drive-thru flu shot clinic Saturday, October 29 from 8:00 a.m. to noon. The Center also has flu shot stations set up daily outside the main entrance to building 80. Local pharmacies also administer the shot.

Contact Info: Facebook: Please like, follow and share with others to help spread the word about our Post and its award winning programs. www.facebook.com/ovamericanlegionPost132.com.

Post Website: www.ovamericanlegion132.com.

Post Mailing address: Oro Valley Post 132, PO Box 69665, Oro Valley, AZ 85737.

Post 132 commander – Dan McGregor, call 425-681-3962 or email [email protected]. 

SAL Squadron 132 commander – Ed Davis, call  520-229-1064 or email [email protected]. 

Riders Chapter 132 Director – Garry Lawrence, call 520-245-8521 or email [email protected].

Service Officer: — Jim Martens, call 503-939-1570 or email [email protected].

Auxiliary Unit President: — Melinda Nay, email [email protected].
Ed Davis, Past Commander/Newsletter Editor, call 520-229-1064 or email [email protected].

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