American Legion Riders Oro Valley, AZ Chapter 132.

Riders meeting information:
Members of Chapter 132 encourage members of Post 132, Auxiliary Unit 132 and Sons of the American Legion (SAL) Squadron 132 to attend our monthly chapter meeting held on the first Wednesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. at the Elks Lodge #385, 1800 N. Oracle Rd., Tucson, AZ, 85705. For additional information, contact Director Bob (Murph) Britton at email [email protected] or visit the ALR 132 Facebook page at
About the Riders:
American Legion Riders’ chapters are well-known for their charitable work which has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for local children’s hospitals, schools, veterans’ homes, severely wounded service members, and scholarships. Since 2006, Riders nationwide have annually participated in The American Legion Legacy Run to raise money for the Legacy Scholarship Fund which was established to provide scholarships to children of U.S. military personnel killed or severely disabled since September 11, 2001.
Legion Riders Today:
Currently, over 110,000 American Legion Riders meet in over 2,000 chapters in every domestic department and in at least three foreign countries. Riders in Iowa have formed an honor guard called The Five Star Freedom Riders, and Riders in Mulvane, Kansas, founded the Patriot Guard Riders to protect the sanctity of Military funerals from protesters. Riders in all states have escorted military units returning home from combat tours overseas, conducted massive cross-country fundraising events for wounded warriors from all services, and have raised millions of dollars for countless local, state, and national charities. Many Riders, supported by their departments, conduct annual statewide Legacy Runs in direct support of American Legion scholarship programs of Operation Comfort Warriors (OCW), supporting our wounded service members across the nation.
True to the Legion’s grassroots tradition, each chapter manages its programs at the post level, where the best ideas are born. The Riders are part of many projects and events, including:
* Regional events such as Operation Wounded Warrior, hosted by Riders in Nevada, Texas, New Mexico, Utah, Arizona, California, and other Western states.
* Local charity events in support of the American Legion and local communities.
* Raising money for VA hospitals, women and children centers, children and youth centers, and schools and other facilities.
* Sponsoring or participating in motorcycle runs to benefit numerous charities.
* Local memorial ceremonies and community parades.
* The American Legion Legacy Run, an annual cross-country fundraising ride from National Headquarters in Indianapolis to the national convention city.
* Riding to honor fallen military men and women, and to protect the sanctity of their funerals from those who would dishonor their memory.
* Escorting military units to departure airfields and airports for combat tours overseas and welcoming them home upon their return.

American Legion Riders National Program.
National Executive Committee Of The American Legion, May 5-6, 2021.
Resolution No. 5 Guidelines for the American Legion Riders National Program.
WHEREAS, It is in the best interest of The American Legion, through the ALR Advisory Committee, to review and amend from time to time such guidelines to provide more effective direction to The American Legion Riders programs in order to protect the trademarks, emblems, and copyrights of The American Legion; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, By the National Executive Committee of The American Legion in regular meeting assembled virtually on May 5-6, 2021, That All American Legion Riders (ALR) groups be organized as programs supported by a post, department, or other duly constituted department governing body of The American Legion and shall uphold the declared principles of The American Legion as well as conform to, and abide by, the lawful regulations and decisions of their department, post and/or other duly constituted department governing body; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That because The American Legion owns, controls, protects and defends The American Legion’s intellectual property, composed of trademarks, emblems, and copyrights (Emblem or Emblems), the following guidelines are required to fulfill protective standards:
1. All members of the ALR shall be current members of The American Legion, Sons of The American Legion, or American Legion Auxiliary.
2. Each ALR member shall establish and maintain ALR membership by owning, individually or through marriage, a common-law marriage, a life partnership or a long-term relationship, a motorcycle, licensed and insured, as required by the ALR member’s state laws.
3. ALR programs may allow for continued ALR membership for those ALR members who have given up motorcycle ownership because of age, illness, injury, or other reasons outside the ALR member’s control.
4. ALR programs may allow current members of The American Legion family to join ALR chapters as supporting members.
5. The only approved titles for ALR officers shall be chairman and vice-chairman or director and assistant director.
6. All ALR members shall maintain the image of The American Legion, protect The American Legion’s Emblems which symbolize the integrity and principles of The American Legion, and if wearing Emblem items, then the Emblem items will be American Legion-authorized Emblems. ALR members’ vests should display the integrity, principles, and values of The American Legion and the ALR by avoiding patches or pins with (1) explicit or offensive language and/or images and (2) political or partisan language and/or images since The American Legion is a non-partisan organization.
8. The ALR chapter should strive to represent the virtues, values, ethics, and morals of The American Legion in support of freedom, democracy, and the safety of our citizens.
9. NEC Resolution No. 37 May 4-5, 1988, ALR chapters do not have the authority to enter into any formal association or club/council membership with any outside organization that may act or vote in any manner outside the control of The American Legion.
10. All ALR members shall obey the laws of their respective state and/or the state(s) in which they ride.
11. The ALR chapter’s sponsoring organization (post, district, and/or department) are strongly urged to review liability insurance coverage to ensure that adequate insurance coverage is available to insure/cover the sponsoring organization, including coverage for any specific special riding event; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That American Legion Riders programs shall abide by the American
Legion National Constitution and National By-laws as well as their established post,
district, and department directives; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That American Legion National Headquarters and the respective
departments shall maintain general oversight of the American Legion Riders program in regard to proper use of the Emblems of The American Legion, the American Legion Riders, and the American Legion Legacy Run and to ensure compliance with the American Legion National Constitution and National By-laws; and, be it finally
RESOLVED, That Resolution No. 19 (NEC, Oct. 2020), Subject: “Updated Program
Guidelines for the American Legion Riders (ALR) National Program” is hereby superseded and rescinded.