Armed Forces Day Banner.

April 26, 2022 Newsletter.

Oro Valley Post 132 and Family activities and pertinent info April 26, 2022.

Post and Auxiliary membership meetings: Thursday, May 19th at the Vistoso Memorial Chapel, 2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley. A social with complimentary refreshments follow each meeting of the Post and Auxiliary. Meetings are 3rd Thursday of the month, 6:30 pm. Auxiliary members meet in a separate room, same time, same location. Post POC: Gary Smith 214-431-2187 or [email protected].

Riders Chapter 132 membership meeting: Wednesday, May 4th, 6:00 pm at Elks Lodge #385, 1800 N. Oracle Rd. Meetings are on 1st Wednesday of the month at 6:00 pm. Members of the American Legion Riders are members of the Legion, Sons of the American Legion, and of the Auxiliary, who are motorcycle riding enthusiasts. Riders Chapter 132 Director – Rick Bernard 510-493-1559 [email protected].

Sons of the American Legion (SAL) Squadron 132 membership meeting: Saturday, 10:30 am, May 21 at the Vistoso Memorial Chapel, 2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley.

Upcoming Dates and activities to remember (Mark Your Calendars): Armed Forces Day Banner.

May 21, Armed Forces Day: On Aug. 31, 1949, Defense Secretary Louis Johnson announced the creation of an Armed Forces Day to replace separate Army, Navy and Air Force Days. The single-day celebration stemmed from the unification of the armed forces under one agency — the Department of Defense.

Past Activities and Information:  

Two Ladies With Donated Mini Refrigerator For Women Warriors.

Donation to Women Warriors: On behalf of Auxiliary Unit 132, Unit member Judy Haberski presented a donated refrigerator to Women Warriors of Tucson. The mission of Women Warriors is to educate, coordinate and provide aid and relief to women veterans in need and to help eradicate homelessness among women veterans. They have a “store” on premise where the veterans can obtain necessities. Volunteers are also on hand to provide assistance and to address the needs of the women veterans.  

Eagle Scouts Flag Presentation.

April 10, Eagle Scout Court of Honor: Four Post 132 members participated in an Eagle Scout Court of Honor sponsored by Troop 339. Flags for Eagle Scouts is one of the Post’s signature programs. Post members present each scout with an American flag that was flown over the U.S. Capitol in the scout’s honor. Three Eagle Scouts, Connor Bruce Bryant, Tate Alexander Seppala, and Simon Dennis Johnson received their flags. Larry McNamee presided over the ceremony while Commander Wayne LarroqueJim Seppala and Gene Wickey assisted with the presentations. This was a special occasion for Jim Seppala, one of the Post member presenters as his grandson, Tate Seppala, was one of the recipients.

Post 132 Memberts Preparing Meals For Fisher House.,

April 21, Cooking for Fisher House residents: Ten Post and Auxiliary members and spouses set up shop in the kitchen of the Tucson Fisher House to prepare meals for the residents and staff. The mission of the Fisher House Foundation is to build comfort homes where military and veteran families can stay free of charge while a loved one is receiving medical care at the local VA. A full meal, consisting of the Post’s famous meatloaf and gravy, mashed potatoes and green beans was packaged in 16 freezer meals, and 17 refrigerator meals. Bulk containers of meat and vegetables were also left in the refrigerator. The volunteers were Leon and Marge Donahue, Rick and Rosie Gonzales, Gene Wickey, Judy Haberski, Peggy Smith, Denise Ferchen, Bob Franke and Dan McGregor.

Oratorical Scholarship Competitor and two Post 132 members.

April 23, National Competition: Post 132 sponsored BASIS High School Sophomore Caleb Rasor made it to the semi-finals of the National competition of the 2022 American Legion Oratorical Scholarship Program, an incredible accomplishment for a sophomore. Caleb has two more years in which to compete. The competition was held in Indianapolis, IN, headquarters of the American Legion, where fifty-two contestants, one from each state and two from outside of the U.S., competed. The annual American Legion U.S. Constitution knowledge based oratorical contest is designed to instill a greater knowledge and appreciation of the U.S. Constitution among high school students. The Post’s program is the most successful in the state with five of the last seven Arizona delegates sent to the national competition having been sponsored by Post 132. Caleb will attend the May 21 Post meeting and tell us about his experience.

Facebook: Please like, follow and share with others to help spread the word about our Post and its award-winning programs.

Post Website:

Post Mailing address: Oro Valley Post 132, PO Box 69665, Oro Valley, AZ 85737

SAL Squadron 132 email address: [email protected]

Post 132 Commander Wayne Larroque 520-301-5303 [email protected]

SAL Squadron 132 Commander Ed Davis 520-229-1064 [email protected]  

Riders Chapter 132 Director Rick Bernard 510-493-1559 [email protected]

Service Officer: Carla Hodge 602-535-1215

Auxiliary Unit President: Melinda Nay [email protected]   

Auxiliary Unit website:

Auxiliary Unit mailing address: Oro Valley Unit 132, PO Box 69246, Oro Valley, AZ 85737

Ed Davis, Past Commander/Newsletter Editor, 520-229-1064, [email protected]  

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