July 5, 2021 American Legion Post 132 Newsletter

American Legion Oro Valley Post 132, Auxiliary and SAL activities and info relevant to veterans, July 5, 2021

No Post and Auxiliary Unit meetings during the months of July and August. Next meeting date for both Post and Auxiliary Unit is September 16, 2021

Upcoming Dates and activities to remember:

August 14, “Stuff the Truck” with pet supplies: Tucson Veterans Serving Veterans (TVSV), the sponsoring organization of the August 18 Stand Down Resource Fair event for all Veterans in Need, is conducting a Stuff the Truck event. This event is specifically to collect items for the pets of homeless Veterans attending the Resource Fair. If you have a love of animals and would like to help our less fortunate Veterans, this is a great opportunity. When: Saturday, August 14, 10AM-2PM. Where: PETSMART at 4374 N. Oracle Rd. Tucson, AZ. What is needed: Wet and dry kitten/cat and puppy/dog unopened food, treats, toys, leashes, collars, blankets, harnesses, collapsible bowls and portable water bowls. Note: Cannot accept medications and open packages of food. Post and Auxiliary Unit 132 are sponsoring partners of TVSV.

August 18, Stand Down One Day Resource Fair for all Veterans in need.  Purpose of Stand Down is to afford veterans access to services such as medical care, employment opportunities, housing, legal services, disability claims, meals, clothing, care for their pets and much more. Sixty plus local service providers will be present. Location: Grand Luxe Hotel, 1365 W Grant Rd., Tucson, 85745. Volunteers needed August 16 for sorting of donated clothing, August 17 for event setup and August 18 for the day of the Fair. Fair day volunteers needed for registration, the clothing “store”, food service, escorts, security and other tasks. (not required to be a member of the Oro Valley Post or Auxiliary to volunteer). Signup to volunteer at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C44ABA62BA2F4C16-tucson If you experience issues with the Sign-up Genius site or wish to volunteer as a group, contact Bruce Hamilton at 623-687-5552 or [email protected]

June 14, Flag Day ceremonies: Post 132 will again partner with the Catalina Mtn. Elks Lodge to celebrate National Flag Day. An Elks Flag Day ceremony, beginning at 10am, will be followed at 11:15am by the formal and moving American Legion Unserviceable Flags Ceremony with the Post Color Guard and concluding with the dignified and respectful ritual burning of the ceremonial flag. Post 132 collects more than 600 unserviceable American flags each year for proper disposal. A catered lunch will follow but please RSVP to Wayne Larroque at 520-825-0732 if staying for lunch. Location: Vistoso Memorial Chapel (same location as our monthly meetings) 2285 E. Ranch Vistoso Blvd. Oro Valley.

June 22. Passage of the GI Bill: Did you know that The American Legion drafted the original tenets of the legislation and played a lead role, despite early opposition (documented) by all other Veterans organizations of the time, in the passage of the June 22, 1944 Servicemen’s Readjustment Act, better known as the GI Bill? Did you know that the WWI combat veterans who founded the American Legion, under the leadership of COL Theodore Roosevelt Jr., insisted that all veterans involved in the war effort, including those in support roles, be eligible to join? Did you know that the American Legion’s version of the GI Bill legislation was the only version submitted to Congress that specifically included minorities and women as beneficiaries of the legislation?  

August 21. The 2021 annual golf tournament fundraiser: Dear members and friends. As with just about any service organization, fundraising, whether we like it or not, is a necessary and vitally important activity. As we are currently without an income producing facility of our own, fundraising and individual donations are what allow us to sponsor our “care and assistance” programs which have been recognized and honored by military organizations and other veterans’ groups. The annual golf tournament is our “main event”. Quote: “The American Legion Oro Valley Post 132 has been a steadfast ray of hope to our less fortunate veterans by providing care and assistance when most needed”. Words recently spoken by the Chairman of the Tucson Veterans Serving Veterans Alliance. We ARE making a difference. To help us carry on our mission of hope, we are sponsoring our 12th annual charity golf tournament. This year’s golf tournament is Saturday, August 21 at The Views G.C., a favorite of golfers. One hundred percent of the proceeds stay within the greater Tucson area, and will be used to provide care and assistance to local homeless and other veterans in need, and to the families of struggling soldiers of our “adopted” Arizona National Guard and Reserve Units, our citizen soldiers. Every member can help in some way even if not a local resident. If you golf, get a foursome together and encourage others to do the same. Friends, neighbors and merchants will welcome the opportunity to help veterans and services members in need. Donations of any amount are gratefully accepted and are tax deductible. POC is Steve Didio, golf tournament chair, at 520-332-9481 or [email protected] or go to our website https://ovamericanlegion132.com/12th-annual-golf-tournament-aug-21-2021-help-us-to-help-those-in-need/Please see the attached tournament flyer in pdf and jpg formats.

Past Activities and Information:

Picture of two American Legion Post 132 Color Guard members demonstrating folding United States Flag

May 14. Flag etiquette and flag folding demonstration: Post members, commander Wayne LarroqueRay Baldwin and John Madaloni were the guests of a local civic organization where they were invited to talk about flag etiquette and to demonstrate the proper way to fold an American flag. By doing so, the Post is fulfilling the role of a community partner.

Photo of Army National Guard husband and wife with bag of baby essentials presented by Post 132

May 16. Another baby to celebrate: 1LT Delima, a soldier in B Co, 3-140th Avn Regt Arizona National Guard based at Marana receives a baby bag full of everything needed for the new arrival. Members of Auxiliary Unit 132 have presented more than 70 baby bags to members of local Guard and Reserve Units.   

Two photos of Army Guard Unit lunch provided by Post 132 and donated by Texas Roadhouse


May 24. Lunch for Arizona Army National Guard members: About 50 members of Det. 1, Co C, 3rd Battalion, 140th Aviation Regiment enjoyed sandwiches provided by Texas Roadhouse in Marana and snacks, salads, beverages and desserts provided by Post 132. Post members commander Wayne Larroque, and Jim Burt helped to serve thehungry soldiers who had just returned from their annual training.


Photo of Post Members Dan McGregor in Navy Uniform and Steve Kendall

May 28, Memorial Day meet and greet at All Seasons Senior Living Center: A large crowd of residents, many of them veterans, gathered to honor Memorial Day. A special flag ceremony was conducted by Post 132 members. Post member Don Beese, coordinated the event. Well done, Don. Post members Steve Kendall, who is also a resident, and Dan McGregor, represented our Post in fine fashion. Steve Kendall’s daughter, Jan, also attended and helped out. Several residents have since joined our Post.  Scouts. 

Photo Collage of eight photos of American Legion Post 132 and Unit 132 handing out Poppys

Memorial Day weekend. Distributing poppies: More than 2,400 handmade red crepe paper poppies were distributed to the public over Memorial Day weekend by members of Auxiliary Unit 132 with assistance from members of the Post. Members of the American Legion Auxiliary have been distributing poppies to the public for 102 years. Unlike most Legion Auxiliary Units that no longer make the effort to make poppies available to the public, members of Auxiliary Unit 132 do every year. Each year hundreds of members of the community make a special trip to one of the two Fry’s Grocery Stores in Oro Valley to receive their personal poppy. They know that our auxiliary members will be there. Every penny in donations received is used for the care and assistance of local veterans in need. Thanks to the Auxiliary Unit members for carrying on the 100 plus year tradition and a thank you to the Post members who volunteered to help. As you can see from the photos, Memorial Day is to be honored by our youth too.

Contact Info: Facebook: Please like, follow and share with others to help spread the word about our Post and award winning programs.


Post Website: www.ovamericanlegion132.com

Post Mailing address: Oro Valley Post 132, PO Box 69665, Oro Valley, AZ 85737

Post 132 commanderWayne Larroque (520) 301-5303,  [email protected]

Ed Davis, Past Commander/Newsletter Editor, 520-229-1064, [email protected]

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