Oro Valley Post 132 Newsletter, July 21, 2023.
Oro Valley Post 132 and Family activities/notices and information.
Post and Auxiliary membership meetings:
**No Post and Auxiliary meetings in July and August. Next meetings are Thursday, September 21. 6:30 pm at Vistoso Memorial Chapel, 2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd, Oro Valley.
Riders Chapter 132 membership meeting:
Wednesday, August 2, 6:00 pm at Elks Lodge #385, 1800 N. Oracle Rd. Meetings are on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 6:00 pm. Riders Chapter 132 Director – Jeff Fawks, phone 661-802-2596 or email [email protected] .
Upcoming Dates, activities and events to remember:

July 27 Korean War Veterans Armistice Day:
National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day marks the signing of the Korean War Armistice Agreement on July 27, 1953.

July 28, National Buffalo Soldiers Day:
Celebrating the contributions of some of the earliest African-American troops in the United States military. In 1866, Congress passed legislation known as the Army Organization Act, which formalized the creation of six all-Black U.S. Cavalry and infantry units The first troops to be called Buffalo Soldiers were assigned to the 10th Cavalry Regiment, assembled in 1866 at Fort Leavenworth in Kansas.

July 29, 248th Anniversary of the Army Chaplain Corp:
The U.S. Army Chaplain Corps dates back to 29 July 1775, when the Continental Congress authorized one chaplain for each regiment of the Continental Army, with pay equaling that of a captain. Since the War for Independence, chaplains have served in every American war. Over that period, the U.S. Army Chaplain Corps has evolved, with the addition of Roman Catholic chaplains in the Mexican War, and Jewish and African American chaplains during the Civil War.

August 4, 233rd birthday of the U.S. Coast Guard:
The United States Coast Guard was created on August 4, 1790, when the first Continental Congress authorized Secretary of Treasury Alexander Hamilton to construct ten vessels, known as “revenue cutters,” to combat smuggling and enforce tariff and trade laws, prevent smuggling, and protect the collection of federal revenue. The service received its current name in 1915 when the Revenue Cutter Service merged with the U.S. Life-Saving Service to form a single maritime service dedicated to the safety of life at sea and enforcing the nation’s maritime laws.

August 7, Purple Heart Day:
Commemorates the creation of the oldest American military decoration for military merit. The Purple Heart honors the men and women who are of the Military Order of the Purple Heart. General George Washington established the Badge of Merit in 1782. Washington intended the honor to be presented to soldiers for “any singularly meritorious action. Until 1944, the Purple Heart recognized service members’ commendable actions as well. In 1944, the requirements limited the award to only those wounded or killed in combat.
Contact Info:
Please like, follow and share with others to help spread the word about our Post and its award winning programs. www.facebook.com/ovamericanlegionPost132.com.
Post Website:
Post Mailing address:
Oro Valley Post 132, PO Box 69665, Oro Valley, AZ 85737.
Post 132 commander:
Wayne Larroque, call 520-825-0732 or email [email protected].
Service Officer:
Jeri Harwood call 208-351-9945 or email [email protected].
Past Commander/Newsletter Editor:
Ed Davis, call 520-229-1064 or email [email protected] .