Latest Past Events

Post 132 Pre-Meeting Annual Complimentary Meal

Vistoso Memorial Chapel 2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley

A complimentary catered meal will be served beginning at 5:15pm. Auxiliary Unit members will provide a selection of delicious desserts. An abbreviated business meeting begins at 6:30 pm. All members of the Post, Auxiliary, SAL and Riders are invited to attend both the meal and the meeting and are welcome to bring one guest only please. Auxiliary will not […]

Post, Aux. Unit, Riders and SAL General Membership Meeting and Banquet.

Vistoso Funeral Home 2285 E Rancho Vistoso Blvd, Oro Valley

Annual Banquet and Meeting. General membership meeting (short) for Post 132 and Auxiliary Unit following Banquet.  Banquet to start at 5:15 pm followed by short monthly general membership meetings for Post 132 and Auxiliary Unit 132 members.

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