Oro Valley American Legion Post 132 Color Guard and Honor Guard.
Post 132 Color Guard and Honor Guard teams:
Post 132 has had active Color Guard and Honor Guard teams since 2011. Members of the Legion Post, the Auxiliary Unit and the Sons of the American Legion Squadron are all eligible to join the Guard. The Color Guard and Honor Guard members are often the only visible and personal face of our Post within the community and are important ambassadors of the Post.
The Color Guard presents the colors and posts the colors at various activities throughout our community. This includes presentations on patriotic holidays at local schools, civic events, parades and assisted living homes. The Honor Guard performs at dozens of Veterans’ funerals at the State Veteran’s Cemetery in Marana as well as other cemeteries and at memorial services at churches throughout the community. The participation of the Post’s Honor Guard is an important and memorable part of the service and is greatly appreciated by the deceased’s family and friends.
The team has practice sessions about four times annually where members are trained in marching, presentation of colors, handling of the M-1 Garand rifle and rendering rifle volleys. One of the most important parts of the training is the folding of the burial flag and presentation to the next of kin.
Post 132 provides all uniform items needed by members of the Guard. Each December, the Guard has a dinner for members and a guest to thank them for their service over the past year. The dinner is paid for by donations from events.
For information please contact Color Guard Captain Ray Baldwin at phone # (443)624-9747 or email [email protected] or Color Guard Coordinator Jane Baldwin at phone # (410)703-9929 or email [email protected].