October 3, 2022 Newsletter.
Oro Valley Post 132 and Family activities/notices and information.
Post and Auxiliary membership meetings: Thursday, Oct 20, 6:30 pm at Vistoso Memorial Chapel, 2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd, Oro Valley. A social with complimentary refreshments follow each meeting of the Post and Auxiliary. Meetings are 3rd Thursday of the month, 6:30 pm. Auxiliary members meet in a separate room, same time, same location. POC is Gary Smith 214-431-2187 or [email protected].
Sons of the American Legion Squadron 132 Membership meeting: October 15, 10:30 am, September 17, Vistoso Memorial Chapel, 2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley. POC is Ed Davis at 520-229-1064 or email [email protected].
Riders Chapter 132 membership meeting: Wednesday, Oct 5, 6:00 pm at Elks Lodge #385, 1800 N. Oracle Rd. Meetings are on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 6:00 pm. Riders Chapter 132 Director – Garry Lawrence 520-245-8521 or email [email protected].
Upcoming Dates and activities to remember (mark your calendar):
October: Agent Orange Awareness Month.
October 13: U.S. Navy’s 246th Birthday. On October 13, 1775, the Continental Congress voted to fit out two sailing vessels, armed with ten carriage guns, and swivel guns manned by crews of eighty. Their mission was to intercept transports carrying munitions and stores to the British Army in America.
October 21: National Pets for Veterans Day.
October 26: Day of the Deployed.
October 8: Nam to Sand Jam: 10:00 am to 6:00 pm at Rillito Downs Park 4502 N. 1st Ave Tucson 85718. Vietnam Veterans of America Tucson Chapter 106 is sponsoring the 34th Nam to Sand Jam. This event is free and open to the public. Several local bands donate their talents to this worthwhile event which recognizes and honors our veterans. In addition to the fantastic bands, there will be many veteran support organizations to help with benefits. Food vendors, and fun for the whole family. For additional information visit www.namjamtucson.org

October 16, Sunday, Rockin’ 4 Heroes: Help honor our First Responders, Active-Duty Military, Veterans, and Gold Star Families. Open to the public at no charge, 2 pm – 6 pm, James D Kriegh Park, Oro Valley. This was a huge success last year so don’t miss it. Event proceeds benefit The Arizona Heroes Memorial which is to be built on land in Oro Valley. Post 132 is an active supporter of this event and volunteers are needed to help ensure another successful event. Contact Steve Didio at 520-332-9481 or email [email protected]. Bring your lawn chairs or blankets. Food trucks and beverages will be available. The Leonid & Friends band, consisting of eleven accomplished musicians, continues to astound its audiences. See below for a link to download the event flyer.
November 4-6, American Legion Department of Arizona Fall Conference: Conference at El Conquistador Resort in Oro Valley. Members of the Legion, Auxiliary, SAL and Riders, from around the state, assemble for training sessions, committee reports and comradery. Interested Post members register with Adjutant Gary Smith by October 28 via email at [email protected] or call 214-431-2187. The post will pay the registration fees, Auxiliary members contact Melinda Nay by email at [email protected]. SAL members contact Gary Smith by email at [email protected] or call 214-431-2187. Riders members contact Garry Lawrence by calling 520-245-8521 or email at [email protected].
Past Activities and Information:

Sept 15, Past Post Commanders Recognized: At the September General Meeting, Post Adjutant (State Vice Commander – Area A) Gary Smith, Post 2nd Vice Commander Bob Franke and Post 132 Commander Dan McGregor presented past Post Commanders Wayne Larroque & Steve Didio with an engraved recognition plaque and 10K gold Past Commander tack/lapel pin for their dedicated service to the Post. Past Commanders Ed Davis, John Corrado, and Steve Asp will also receive their pins and plaques during a future meeting.

September 16: At the Holy Hope Cemetery in Tucson, our Post Honor Guard paid their last respects to Navy veteran Everett Brown Jr. The Navy personnel did the honors of playing taps, flag display, and flag folding, then Navy Senior Chief Nathan Rhoad presented the folded flag to the family. Honor Guard team (left to right): Tom Roblee, Jim Martens, Fred Sheaffer, Jim Barnhart, and Ray Baldwin.

September 17: Honor Guard paid their last respects to Donald B. Georgia, a Navy veteran. Honor Guard team (left to right): Jim Martens, Don Besse (Taps player), Tom Roblee, Ray Baldwin (Flag folder), Jim Horton, and Fred Sheaffer.

September 19: At the Marana Veterans Cemetery, the Honor Guard paid their last respects to Army veteran Frederick Roebke. Three members from the United States Air Force performed the playing of taps, flag displaying, flag folding, and presenting the folded flag to the family. Our Honor Guard fired the rifle volley. Honor Guard members left to right: Tom Roblee, Bob Franke, Fred Sheaffer, Jim Martens, Jim Horton, and Don Besse.

October 1: Post members (L to R) Michael Bartelle, Larry McNamee, Dan Gregory and Tom Roblee (taking the picture) participated in the third Road Cleanup of 2022 with one more to go this year. We meet at St. Marks Catholic Church (2727 W Tangerine Rd., Oro Valley 85742). It is about a two-mile walk (from the Church to La Cholla Blvd then back to the Church) We have a short section (about 1/8 mile) with a flat trail for any members that have mobility issues. If post members, their spouses, Riders, ALA, and SAL would like to join us for the next Road Cleanup (late December), sign up then and come on out to help us CLEAN UP ORO VALLEY.

We’re off to a great start for the 2023 membership year: If you have not already done so, please consider renewing now. Your 2022 membership is valid through December 31, but each Legion Post is expected to meet a series of membership benchmark reporting dates, beginning with September 15 and ending at 100%the of the goal by December 31. You do not need the renewal notice to remit your membership dues payment. Renewing online is a convenient and easy alternative to mailing a check. Go to www.legion.org/renew. You will need to enter your membership number. Contact me if you need assistance, Steve Didio, email [email protected]t or call 520-219-9997. If you are mailing a check, mait ke payable to American Legion OV Post 132, and mait il to P.O. Box 69665, Oro Valley, AZ 85737. We finished the 2022 membership year at 102% of our membership goal with 524 members. Just a short 13 years ago we began our journey with 77 members. No other Legion Post in Arizona has had better-sustaineded growth. Our Post is recognized for its leadership, its active and friendly members, and its many award-winning programs. Thank you for your membership. * Auxiliary Unit members contact Onita Davis if you have questions about renewing by emailing [email protected] or calling 520-229-1064
Contact Info: Facebook: www.facebook.com/ovamericanlegionPost132.
Post Website: www.ovamericanlegion132.com.
Post Mailing address: Oro Valley Post 132, PO Box 69665, Oro Valley, AZ 85737.
Post 132 Commander,Dan McGregor, 425-681-3962, [email protected]..
SAL Squadron 132 Commander Ed Davis, 520-229-1064, [email protected] .
Riders Chapter 132 Director Gary Lawrence, 520-245-8521, [email protected].
Service Officer: Jim Martens, 503-939-1570, [email protected].
Auxiliary Unit President: Melinda Nay, [email protected].
Auxiliary Unit website: www.ovunit132.info.
Ed Davis, Past Commander/Newsletter Editor, 520-229-1064, [email protected].