American Legion Oro Valley Post 132, Auxiliary and SAL activities and info relevant to veterans, April 30, 2021
From the editor: Greetings and best wishes to all. Health issues have interfered with the normal schedule of Post newsletter editions, but I hope to soon get back on track keeping everyone informed of the “service, not self” activities and programs of our Legion family.
Buddy check: The members of the leadership team are still in the process of completing a “buddy check” calling initiative. The purpose is to check on the wellbeing of our members. We have almost 500 members so this is a herculean effort.
Need assistance? For those who need assistance or just someone with whom to speak or know of another Post member who does, please let us know by calling Wayne Larroque 520-301-5303 or by sending an email to [email protected] If you need assistance, please let us know.
Riders Chapter 132 Membership Meeting (in-person): Wednesday, May 5, 2021, 6:30pm-7:30pm. Members of the American Legion Riders are members of the American Legion, Sons of the American Legion and of the Auxiliary, and who are motorcycle riding enthusiasts. Meeting location: Elk’s Lodge #385, 1800 N. Oracle Rd #520-299-5105.
Sons of the American Legion (SAL) Squadron 132 membership meeting (in-person): Saturday, May 15, 2021, 10:30am (time change), at the Vistoso Memorial Chapel, 2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley. Membership in the SAL is open to male descendants, of any age, of a parent or grandparent who served in the U.S. military during a period of American Legion eligibility and who is a member of the American Legion or who meets the service requirements but is deceased. Joining the SAL is a way to honor the service and sacrifice of a parent or grandparent. Meetings are the 3rd Saturday of the month, 9:30am unless otherwise specified. POC is Gary Smith 214-431-2187 or [email protected]
Post and Auxiliary Meeting (in-person): Thursday, May 20, 2021, 6:30pm at Vistoso Memorial Chapel, 2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd, Oro Valley. Masks are encouraged. We have lots of room to honor social distancing. The election of officers for the 2021-2022 leadership year will be held during the meeting. Meetings are the 3rd Thursday of the month, 6:30pm. Auxiliary members meet in a separate room, same time, same address. POC: Gary Smith 214-431-2187 or [email protected]
Dates and activities to remember:
May 8, Saturday: Post 132 “Adopt-A-Road” clean-up: 0900 hrs. It’s that time again. Meet in parking lot of St. Marks R.C. Church, 2727 W Tangerine Rd in Oro Valley. Please provide name and phone number in advance to POC Tom Roblee 509-910-9323, [email protected] Help pick up trash along a stretch of Tangerine while enjoying the company of fellow Post members, at a safe distance of course. Arrive a few minutes early to sign-in and to receive your vest and trash grabber tool. This is a low stress, fun activity. Auxiliary, SAL and Riders members are welcome.
Dates and activities to remember:
May 8, Saturday: Post 132 “Adopt-A-Road” clean-up: 0900 hrs. It’s that time again. Meet in parking lot of St. Marks R.C. Church, 2727 W Tangerine Rd in Oro Valley. Please provide name and phone number in advance to POC Tom Roblee 509-910-9323, [email protected] Help pick up trash along a stretch of Tangerine while enjoying the company of fellow Post members, at a safe distance of course. Arrive a few minutes early to sign-in and to receive your vest and trash grabber tool. This is a low stress, fun activity. Auxiliary, SAL and Riders members are welcome.
Past Activities and Information:
March 29, National Vietnam Day at D-M AFB: National Vietnam War Veterans Day honors the men and women who served and sacrificed during the longest conflict in United States history. On March 29, 1973, combat and combat support units withdrew from South Vietnam. Our Post’s color guard was invited to participate in the celebration at D-M AFB. Post 132 Commander Wayne Larroque was one of the dignitaries at the event.
April 17, Missing in America Project (MIAP): The mission of MIAP, a Veterans Recovery Program, is to locate, identify and inter the unclaimed remains of American veterans. On this day, the unclaimed remains of 26 veterans were interred with full military honors at the AZ State Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Marana. A large gathering of individuals was present to show their respect for these veterans. The Post’s nine member Honor Guard, known and respected throughout southern Arizona, performed flag pole duties, flag folding, the firing salute and playing of TAPS. Nine HG members participated. We also are proud of the members of our Riders Chapter who were participated in the service. Thank you for serving as the families to these veterans.
Waiving of VA medical care co-payments: All copayments for medical care provided to veterans through the VA from April 6, 2020, to Sept. 30, 2021, will be waived. The new federal law will write off up to $1 billion in veterans’ medical debt. Some veterans must make copayments for VA-provided health care and prescriptions, depending on their Priority Group or the medical condition being treated. Normally, service-connected medical conditions are treated by the VA for free. For veterans with higher disability levels or those of limited means, all medical care may be free. If you have made any payments to the VA for covered medical care in the last 11 months, expect to see a refund.
Patient visitations at the Tucson VA: Veterans who are inpatient on medical/surgical wards can now receive visitors every day from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Face coverings are required.
VA resuming administration of the Janssen COVID-19 vaccine at VA health care facilities. All three vaccines are now available, including the Pfizer-BioNTech and the Moderna vaccines for all Veterans, spouses, caregivers, and CHAMPVA recipients who are at least 18 years old. Supply varies by facility. Call (520) 629-4729 to get scheduled at the Tucson VA.
COVID-19 Related Info
MHC Healthcare Vaccine Update: MHC has COVID-19 vaccine ready for anyone 18 years of age and older. Go to the MHC website,, and click on the link for vaccine. MHC Healthcare has 16 locations throughout Marana, Pima County, Oro Valley, Catalina, Picture Rocks, and the Tucson metro area.
Update to Financial assistance for funeral expenses for deaths related to COVID-19: A dedicated COVID 19 Funeral Assistance number is now available: 1-844-684-6333. M-F 9am-9pm ET. No online applications will be accepted. A FEMA representative will step the caller through the application. Be sure to have all required information available before calling.
A few eligibility requirements (click on the following link for specifics: the policy states)
-Required documentation:
–An official death certificate that attributes the death to COVID-19. and shows that the death occurred in the United States.
–Funeral expense documents
For more information about this assistance, visit COVID-19 Funeral Assistance |
The second annual American Legion 100 Miles for Hope is off and running, walking, cycling and engaging participants in dozens of other wellness activities while supporting disabled veterans and military families in need. The challenge is from April 1 through Sept. 6. For those who register with the Kilter app (click here to learn about the two options for signing up), For questions about registration, activities, fundraising and more, please review the frequently asked questions. All proceeds from registrations, purchases of special 100 Miles for Hope gear at Emblem Sales and individual donations support The American Legion Veterans & Children Foundation (V&CF). Chose to walk, run, swim, do yoga or dozens of other activities to help live a healthier life and to raise funds for the V&CF. Everyone who signs up will receive a medal. Visit this web page to view the collection of items at Emblem Sales that include tee shirts, sweatshirts, caps, hat pins, challenge coins and a patch for Riders vests. All proceeds from sales go to the foundation. American Legion Family members are encouraged to involve their communities.
March 27. Auxiliary Unit 132 supports backpacks for local agencies: The Auxiliary unit supplied some of the items for backpacks filled with necessities which were assembled and handed-out to the residents of Primavera, a men’s shelter, Old Pueblo, a social services agency for homeless and at risk veterans and Esperanza En Escalante, which offers subsidized lodging for homeless and at risk veterans and their families.
Baby clothes for National Guard: Auxiliary Unit member Rigmor Schneider donated a large supply of handmade baby clothes for baby bags for the new born babies of the members of our adopted AZ National Guard Units.
See attached April Executive Committee meeting minutes.
Contact Info: Facebook: Please like, follow and share with others to help spread the word about our Post and award winning programs.
Post Website:
Post Mailing address: Oro Valley Post 132, PO Box 69665, Oro Valley, AZ 85737
Post 132 commander – Wayne Larroque (520) 301-5303, [email protected]
SAL Squadron 132 email address – [email protected]
SAL Squadron 132 commander – Ed Davis, (520) 229-1064, [email protected]
Riders Chapter 132 president – Jeff Fawks (661) 802-2596 [email protected]
Post Service Officer: Jim Martens (503) 939-1570 / [email protected]
Auxiliary Unit president: Anne Stiles, [email protected]
Ed Davis, Past Commander/Newsletter Editor, 520-229-1064, [email protected]