March 13, 2021 American Legion Post Newsletter

American Legion Oro Valley Post 132, Auxiliary and SAL activities and info relevant to veterans, March 13, 2021
Greetings and best wishes to all.

Buddy check: The members of the leadership team are in the process of completing a “buddy check” calling initiative. The purpose is to check on the wellbeing of our members. We have almost 500 members so this is a herculean effort.

Need assistance? For those who need assistance or just someone with whom to speak or know of another Post member who does, please let us know by calling Wayne Larroque 520-301-5303 or by sending an email to[email protected] If you need assistance, please let us know.


Post and Auxiliary Meeting (in-person): Thursday, March 18, 6:30pm at Vistoso Memorial Chapel, 2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd, Oro Valley. Masks are required. Meetings are the 3rd Thursday of the month, 6:30pm. Auxiliary members meet in a separate room, same time, same address. POC: Gary Smith 214-431-2187 or [email protected]

Sons of the American Legion (SAL) Squadron 132 membership meeting: Saturday, March 20, 9:30am, at the Vistoso Memorial Chapel, 2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley. Membership in the SAL is open to male descendants, of any age, of a parent or grandparent who served in the U.S. military during a period of American Legion eligibility and who is a member of the American Legion or who meets the service requirements but is deceased. Joining the SAL is a way to honor the service and sacrifice of a parent or grandparent. Meetings are the 3rd Saturday of the month, 9:30am. POC is Gary Smith 214-431-2187 or [email protected]

Dates and activities to remember:

March 19. The American Legion’s 102nd Birthday: On this date in 1919, members of the American Expeditionary Force convened the first caucus of the new American Legion in Paris, France. Weary from war, they were concerned about their lives after discharge, the welfare of their comrades and the general condition of the nation. Such gave rise to a value system, and the American Legion became the nation’s largest veterans service organization.  

March 30. Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day: Our nation will observe Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day March 30. This day marks the historic withdrawal of U.S. troops from Vietnam on March 30, 1973. Please join together to pay tribute to the valiant service of Vietnam War Veterans. A special thank you to our very own Vietnam Veterans, welcome home brothers and sisters!!

Past Activities and Information:

February 16. Auxiliary donates to VA infusion center: During the Salute to Veteran Patients Week, the Auxiliary Unit donated a large supply of coffee, tea and hot chocolate pods and snack bars to the Tucson VA infusion center. It made their day. Sisters Helping Sisters

February 18. Auxiliary Unit 132 delivers necessities:A truck load of clothing, makeup and toiletries were delivered by Auxiliary Unit member Marcia Wohlhueter to the Sister Jose facility. The items had been donated by members of the community for the cancelled 2021 Spring Stand Down event. Marcia is the 2021 clothing coordinator for Tucson Veterans Serving Veterans overseeing clothing distribution to homeless and needy veterans.

February 19.Delivering water and snacks to the Tucson VA: Another Post 132 example of “service, not self”. Responding to a plea for water and snacks for the staff and veterans involved with the vaccination program taking place in tents on the Tucson VA’s property, Post members Wayne Larroque, Dan McGregor and Steve Kendall delivered a truckload of the needed items. More than 13,000 veterans have already been vaccinated at the location. The staff and veterans were extremely appreciative.

February 19. Visiting Post members at the Tucson State Veterans Home: Billy Bell, Fred Bjorling (on phone) who was celebrating his 95th birthday on this day, and George Jelten (saluting), father of Laurnene Frey, a Post 132 and Honor Guard member. Due to COVID restrictions, visitations are not permitted, but that didn’t stop Post members Wayne Larroque, Dan McGregor and Steve Kendall from saying hello by standing outside the windows of the members. They were excited to see our guys and the smiles of appreciation were heartwarming. Fred’s wife Judy accompanied us.

February 22. Local housing program for our less fortunate Veterans: Auxiliary Unit 132 members Judy Haberski, on the left, and Peggy Smith purchased and delivered pillows, donated by our Post, to Tucson 51 Homes for Veterans Project Manager Glenn Fournie. The Tucson 51 Homes for Veterans program helps formerly homeless veterans into furnished apartments. The furnishings are donated by local organizations including our Post and Auxiliary Unit. The veterans appreciate the opportunity to once again live in a safe and comfortable place. If you would like to personally help, there is always a need for twin sheets, new or gently used towels and kitchen supplies. Call Judy Haberski if you wish to donate, 520-591-7741. Thank you.

March 1. Auxiliary Unit 132 supports backpacks for homeless and at-risk Veterans: Due to COVID concerns, the annual Tucson Stand Down event for homeless and at risk Veterans was postponed to August 2021. As an interim measure, 150 donated backpacks filled with necessities were assembled and handed out to needy veterans. Auxiliary Unit 132 supplied sports water bottles and socks for the backpacks. Unit member Marcia Wohlhueter used her charm to obtain $450 in gift cards from local Walmart stores for the Unit’s purchases. 

March 13, The American Legion Oratorical Contest:  A great performance at the American Legion Department (state) of Arizona competition by the two Post 132 sponsored contestants Hannah Shin and Caleb Rasor, both students at BASIS High School in Oro Valley. Hannah and Caleb placed 1st and 2nd respectively. Department Commander Ken Queen presented Hannah and Caleb with their certificates. They had placed 1st and 2nd at the three prior levels of competition to reach state. Congratulations to these two inspiring young students who represented our Post in a truly stellar fashion. The annual American Legion U.S. Constitution knowledge based oratorical contest is designed to instill a greater knowledge and appreciation of the U.S. Constitution among high school students. The contestants deliver a memorized oration of eight to ten minutes on some aspect of the Constitution and must give emphasis to the attendant duties and obligations of a citizen. They are required also to deliver a 3-5 minute speech on one of four randomly selected “pre-assigned” Articles of the Constitution. The Post’s program is the most successful in the state with four of the last seven Arizona delegates sent to the national competition having been sponsored by Post 132. Our program is successful because of the many selfless Post and Auxiliary volunteers who make it happen, but a special thank you must once again go to Larry McNamee and George Eveland for their program leadership. 

Congratulations. The following members have accrued 45 or more years of continuous membership in the American Legion:

James Pilarczyk – 61 years

Ed Reynolds – 60 years

Joe DelBalso – 57 years

Marlyn Kienbaum – 53 years

Bob Franke – 52 years

Gene Kitterman – 50 years

Elwood Mayberry – 49 years

Dick Kroese – 49 years

Don Cox – 48 years

Fred Creeley – 47 years

Alfredo Trejo – 47 years

The 2021 – 2022 leadership year proposed slate of officers: The members of the officers nominating committee have, after careful deliberations, established the following proposed list of officers for the 2021-2022 leadership year:

Commander   – Wayne Larroque

Adjutant – Gary Smith

1st Vice Commander – Steve Didio

2nd Vice Commander – George Eveland

Judge Advocate – Gene Wickey

Finance Officer – Steve Kendall

Service Officer – Carla Hodge

Sergeant-at-Arms – Rick Gonzales

Chaplain – Danny Lemon

Historian – Dan McGregor

Past Commander – Ed Davis

Executive Committeepersons:

Jim Barnhart (3 yr – serve remainder of George Eveland’s term)

Bob Franke (2 yr)   

John Madaloni (2 yr – serve remainder of Dean Cameron’s term)

Laurnene Frey (1 yr)

Tom Roblee (1 yr)

The proposed slate of officers will be presented to the membership during the March 18 meeting and additional nominations will be accepted from the floor. The election of officers will take place during the April 15 meeting. 


**And the winner is**, Jen Carroll of the Post member Steve Kendall’s donated Colt reproduction of a mid-nineteenth century Colt .36 cal black powder pistol. Jen’s winning ticket number was #20. The pistol will be presented to Jen at the March 18 Post meeting.

See attached February Executive Committee meeting minutes. AL 132 Ex Comm Minutes – 2/13/21

Contact Info: Facebook: Please like, follow and share with others to help spread the word about our Post and award winning programs.

Post Website:

Post Mailing address: Oro Valley Post 132, PO Box 69665, Oro Valley, AZ 85737

Post 132 commanderWayne Larroque (520) 301-5303,  [email protected]

SAL Squadron 132 email address [email protected]

SAL Squadron 132 commander – Ed Davis, (520) 229-1064, [email protected]

Riders Chapter 132 president – Jeff Fawks (661) 802-2596 [email protected]  

Post Service Officer: Jim Martens (503) 939-1570 / [email protected]

Auxiliary Unit president: Anne Stiles, [email protected]

Ed Davis, Past Commander/Newsletter Editor, 520-229-1064, [email protected]  

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