Oro Valley Post 132 and Family activities/notices and information,  November 10, 2022

Post and Auxiliary membership meetings: 

Thursday, Nov 17, 6:30 pm, ***Special Memorial Service***.

We will have a Post Everlasting Memorial Service for the thirteen Post members who have passed on to Post Everlasting since November 2021. The service will end with a rifle salute and the playing of TAPS. Please attend to show your respect. Family members of some of the deceased members will be in attendance. Auxiliary members meet in a separate room, same time, same location. They will join us for the Post Everlasting Memorial Service. POC is Gary Smith, phone 214-431-2187 or email  [email protected] for information.

Sons of the American Legion Squadron 132 membership meeting:

Sat., Nov 19, 10:30am, Vistoso Memorial Chapel, 2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley. POC is Ed Davis, p0hone 520-229-1064 or email [email protected].

Riders Chapter 132 membership meeting: 

Wednesday, Dec 7, 6:00 pm at Elks Lodge #385, 1800 N. Oracle Rd. Meetings are on the first Wednesday of the month at 6:00 pm. Riders Chapter 132 Director Gary Lawrence can be contacted at phone 520-245-8521 or email [email protected]. 

Upcoming Dates, activities, and events to remember:

Veterans Day information and activities were included in last edition of the newsletter. Veterans Day Deals: Go to website  www.military.com/veterans-day/veterans-day-military-discounts.html.

Past Activities and Information:

Veterans Helping Veterans Banner with U. S. Flag Background.

A helping hand for Thanksgiving: 

Tucson Veterans Serving Veterans (TVSV) next week will begin providing grocery store gift cards to approximately 150 needy veterans, most with families, to help with the Thanksgiving dinner. Post and Auxiliary Unit 132 combined to donate $1,350 to the cause. All veterans participating in the Thanksgiving program are under the care of, and have been recommended by, a VA social worker.

Preventing an eviction:

Post 132 donated $450 to Tucson Veterans Serving Veterans (TVSV) allowing them to intervene in the eviction of a disabled veteran and his family. The veteran had been dealing with family issues and was unable to pay the entire monthly rent due the past several months. The landlord agreed to waive late fees provided the back rent was paid immediately, which it was. Social workers are working with the veteran. All requests for assistance are vetted, including veteran status and the relevant circumstance, by the originating agency before Post 132 receives the request.

Tucson VA Patriot Pantry:

Post 132 donated $400 of food items to the Tucson VA Patriot Pantry. The pantry is a source of emergency food supply for SAVAHCS out-patients. VA social workers select eligible veterans based on their needs. In addition to food items, grocery store gift cards are provided to the veterans. The pantry is currently serving about 40 veterans per month, with a significant increase expected during the next two months.

Honor Guard Members presenting United States Flag at Missing In America veteran interment ceremony.
Post 132 Honor Guard members at Missing In America interment ceremony.

October 8, Missing in America Project (MIAP):

The mission of MIAP is to locate, identify and inter the unclaimed remains of American veterans. On this day, the unclaimed remains of 18 veterans were interred with full military honors at the AZ State Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Marana. A large turnout was present to show their respect for these veterans. Post 132 eleven-member Honor Guard performed flag pole duties, flag folding, the firing salute and the playing of TAPS. Our Riders Chapter members provided bottled water for the attendees.

Post 132 presenting flags at Rockin' For Heroes Concert.
Attendees sitting and standing at Rockin' For Heroes Concert.

Oct 16, Rockin’ 4 Heroes Concert: 

A large and enthusiastic crowd attended the “Rockin’ 4 Heros” concert at James D. Kriegh Park in Oro Valley. Music was provided by the talented and internationally popular Leonid & Friends. The concert was an opportunity for the community to come together to honor our First Responders, Active-Duty Military, Veterans and Gold Star Families. Proceeds benefited the Arizona Heroes Memorial which is to be built on land in Oro Valley. The Post’s color guard presented the colors, and eighteen Post and Auxiliary Unit members volunteered and performed a variety of tasks to ensure a successful event.

Post 132 members presenting folded United States flag to BSA Eagle Scout at ceremony.
Boy Scout Eagle Medal and Ribbon.

October 18, Flags for Eagles:

One of the Post’s signature programs is its Flags for Eagle Scouts program. Post representatives are invited to attend the Eagle Scout’s Court of Honor where the Eagle Scout is presented with an American flag that has been flown over the U.S. Capitol in the scout’s honor. Post members Bob Franke and Rick Gonzales presented the flag to Eagle Scout Aronjeel Dhar on this day. American flags have been presented by Post 132 members to more than 160 deserving Eagle Scouts. The American Legion has supported scouting since 1919. And yes, more volunteers are needed to perform this meaningful and appreciated presentation. A script is used by the Post presenters so it is an easy assignment.

Post 132 members bit stacked brown cardboard boxes of flags for disposal.

October 18, Unserviceable U.S. flags disposal program:

Post 132 has 8 flag drop-off collection receptacles placed throughout the community. This important service to the community collects more than 3,000 unserviceable U.S. flags collected each year. The U.S. Flag Code states that when the U.S. flag is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, it should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning. This is accomplished thanks to a local disposal service offered to the Post at no charge. Left to right, Post members Rick Gonzales and Bob Franke with the latest drop-off of 600 flags.

Quilt of Valor being displayed by two Post 132 members.
Plaque being presented to Post 132 2009 Post Commander.

October 20, Post 132 membership meeting: 

A large contingent of Post members attended the meeting and social. During the meeting, past commander Wayne Larroque displayed the Quilt of Valor he had received during a recent Quilt of Valor ceremony. Helping Wayne display the quilt is member Christian Flores, on the left in the photo. Post Commander Dan McGregor presented Past Commander John Corrado, center, with a plaque and a Past Commanders pin. John was the first Post commander in 2009.  

Post 132 Honor Guard Members in front of Cemetary Vaults.
Post 132 Color Guard Preparing for United States Flag Raising.
Four Post 132 Color Guard Members with white shirts, dark blue pants and dark blue Beret.
Six Post 132 Color Guard members standing at attention with rifles for rifle volley.
Post 132 Color Guard members relaxing prior to flag raising ceremony.

Honoring and Remembering:

The Post 132 Honor Guard performed at Memorial Services for the following veterans: Everrett Brown Jr,. U.S. Navy; Donald Georgia, U.S. Navy; Fred Roebke. U.S. Army; Fred Burnell U.S. Air Force; Louis Jordan Jr U.S. Army; Courtland Weeder U.S. Navy; Edward Christianson U.S. Army; Richard Campbell U.S. Navy. The participation of the Post’s HG is an important and memorable part of the service and is greatly appreciated by the deceased’s family and friends. The Post 132 Color Guard and Honor Guard are the most active of such teams in southern Arizona. And yes, the team needs more members. The Post covers the cost of the uniform.

Contact Info: Facebook: Please like, follow and share with others to help spread the word about our Post and its award winning programs. www.facebook.com/ovamericanlegionPost132.com.

Post Website: www.ovamericanlegion132.com.

Post Mailing address: Oro Valley Post 132, PO Box 69665, Oro Valley, AZ 85737.

Post 132 commander – Dan McGregor, call 425-681-3962 or email [email protected]. 

SAL Squadron 132 commander – Ed Davis, call  520-229-1064 or email [email protected]. 

Riders Chapter 132 Director – Garry Lawrence, call 520-245-8521 or email [email protected].

Service Officer: — Jim Martens, call 503-939-1570 or email [email protected].

Auxiliary Unit President: — Melinda Nay, email [email protected].
Ed Davis, Past Commander/Newsletter Editor, call 520-229-1064 or email [email protected].

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