Oro Valley Post 132 Newsletter, May 31, 2023.
Oro Valley Post 132 and Family activities/notices and information.
Post and Auxiliary membership meetings:
Post membership meeting:
Thursday, June 15, 6:30 pm at Vistoso Memorial Chapel, 2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley. An installation ceremony for recently elected Post officers will take place during the meeting. A brief initiation ceremony for Legionnaires who have not been officially initiated into the organization will also take place during the meeting. More in the next newsletter. A social with complimentary refreshments will follow each meeting of the Post and Auxiliary. The Auxiliary Unit will NOT meet in June. Their next meeting will be September 21.
Riders Chapter 132 membership meeting:
Wednesday, June 7, 6:00 pm at Elks Lodge #385, 1800 N. Oracle Rd. Meetings are on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 6:00 pm. Riders Chapter 132 Director – Garry Lawrence, phone 520-245-8521 or email [email protected].
Upcoming Dates, activities and events to remember:

June 22-25, the 104th American Legion Department of Arizona Convention:
Post 132 has the honor of being the local host Post of this major event for members of the American Legion, Auxiliary, SAL, and Riders. More than 900 attendees, from across the state, are expected to attend. The Oro Valley El Conquistador Resort is the venue. If you wish to attend any portion of the convention you must register. Please contact Post 132 Adjutant, Gary Smith, at phone 214-431-2187 or email [email protected]. Your registration will be paid for by the Post.

Live performance June 24:
For those who enjoy live entertainment, we have negotiated a group discount for an acclaimed performance at the Gaslight Music Hall in Oro Valley, for Saturday, June 24 at 6 pm. The performance, Just One Look, Linda Ronstadt Tribute, has long since sold out of general seating tickets. The group tickets are $25 each. These group discounted tickets must be purchased by June 8 from Post 132 member Jim Barnhart at phone 520-404-2040 or email [email protected]. Upon arriving at the venue, the hostess will seat the Legion group ticket holder. If you wish to sit with friends, arrive together. Venue address: 13005 N. Oracle Rd. #165, Oro Valley.
Past Activities and Information:

April 29, Arizona Girls State orientation:
The American Legion Boys State and the American Legion Auxiliary Girls State programs are among the most respected and selective educational programs of government instruction for U.S. high school students. The students are selected during their junior year of high school. This year the Auxiliary Unit 132 is sponsoring four delegates to Girls State. Photo: the four Girl State delegates sponsored by Unit 132, taken during the Girls State orientation. At right is Mary Couture, the Unit’s Girl State program chair. These are participatory programs in which students become part of the operation of local, county, and state government. Program activities include elections to the various offices, legislative sessions, court proceedings, law enforcement, and instructional presentations. It is often a life-changing experience. The Boys State program is held at Northern Arizona University and the Girls State program is held at the U of A, both during the first week in June.

May 20, Auxiliary makes donation to Camp Corral:
Auxiliary Unit 132 member Onita Davis presented a donation to Tim Peeler, GM, of the Golden Corral on Thornydale. The donation is for Golden Corral’s sponsored Camp Corral which provides camp opportunities for children of military families with a preference given to children of wounded or fallen heroes.

May 25, Eagle Scout Court of Honor:
Two Eagle Scouts from Oro Valley Troop 299 received their Eagle Scout awards during their Court of Honor ceremony. Post 132 members, Larry McNamee and Danny Lemon, presented each Eagle Scout with an American flag which had been flown over the U.S. Capitol in his honor. The Post’s Flags for Eagles program is an important Americanism program. American flags have been presented by Post 132 members to more than 150 Eagle Scouts.
Million Veteran Program (MVP):
The purpose of the Million Veteran Program is to bring Veterans personalized health care. With over 900,000 participants, it is one of the largest and most diverse research programs of its kind in the world. The program needs an additional 82,000 members to reach the one million Veteran goal. https://news.va.gov/109665/mvp-bring-personalized-health-care/ For the latest issue of the MVP Insider newsletter, use the following link. MVP Newsletter link.
Revised Lowe’s and Home Depot military/veteran discount programs:
Both vendors have revised their respective 10% military/veteran discount program. Each vendor requires that individuals go through the application and eligibility verification process. There are restrictions with each program.
Lowe’s: www.lowes.com/military/validation.
Home Depot: https://www.homedepot.com/military/discount.
Get onboard with MyHealtheVet:
This a very useful tool for all routine healthcare needs. Veterans can make medical appointments, contact providers, access test and exam results, communicate with the various clinics, request and track prescription refills, and much more. To learn more, contact your local VA MyHealtheVet coordinator. The Tucson VA MyHealtheVet coordinator can be reached at (520) 792-1450 extension 1-6889.
To register online go to https://www.myhealth.va.gov/web/myhealthevet/user-registration.
Contact Info:
Please like, follow and share with others to help spread the word about our Post and its award winning programs. www.facebook.com/ovamericanlegionPost132.com.
Post Website:
Post Mailing address:
Oro Valley Post 132, PO Box 69665, Oro Valley, AZ 85737.
Post 132 commander:
Dan McGregor, call 425-681-3962 or email [email protected].
SAL Squadron 132 commander:
Ed Davis, call 520-229-1064 or email [email protected]
Riders Chapter 132 Director:
Garry Lawrence call 520-245-8521 or email [email protected].
Service Officer:
Jim Martens call 503-939-1570 or email [email protected].
Auxiliary Unit president:
Melinda Nay email [email protected].
Past Commander/Newsletter Editor:
Ed Davis, call 520-229-1064 or email [email protected]