Oro Valley Post 132 Newsletter, June 27, 2024.
Oro Valley Post 132 and Family activities/notices and information.

Post and Auxiliary meetings:
NOTE: No Post or Auxiliary meetings in July and August. Next meetings are Thursday, September 19. 6:30 pm at Vistoso Memorial Chapel, 2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd, Oro Valley.

Riders Chapter 132 membership meeting:
Wednesday, July 3, 6:00 pm at Elks Lodge #385, 1800 N. Oracle Rd., Tucson, AZ. Meetings are on 1st Wednesday, at 6:00 pm. Riders Chapter 132 Director – Bob Britton, phone 626-277-7360 or email [email protected]
Mark your calendar. Upcoming Dates, activities and events to remember:

Local July 4 Celebrations:
*Oro Valley’s 4th of July events and fireworks: James D. Kriegh Park, 23 W. Calle Concordia, Oro Valley, 5:00 to 9:20 p.m., free, for information go to www.orovalleyaz.gov.
*Diamonds in the Sky at Kino: Baseball game and fireworks. Kino Veterans Memorial Stadium, 2500 E. Ajo Way, Tucson, free with one non-perishable food item for Community Food Bank or $1.00, 5:30 to 9:00 p.m., for information go to www.kinosportscomplex.com
*Star-Spangled Spectacular: The town of Marana is hosting its Star-Spangled Spectacular this Fourth of July. Crossroads at Silverbell District Park,
7548 N. Silverbell Rd., Tucson, AZ, for information to to https://www.maranaaz.gov/town-calendar/2022/7/4/star-spangled-spectacular-in-marana. Free admission, 5:00 to 9:30 p.m.
*Tucson’s Fourth of July Fireworks Celebration: The city of Tucson is hosting its 27th annual activities and fireworks celebration at the Tucson Convention Center, Parking Lot B opens at 7:00 pm., Fireworks start at 9:00 pm. TCC is located at 260 S. Church Avenue, Tucson. For information, go to https://www.tucsonaz.gov/Events-directory/City-of-Tucson-27th-Annual-4th-of-July-Fireworks-Celebration.

August 24, the 15th Annual Post 132 Golf Tournament:
Fundraising is a necessary and vitally important activity which allows us to fund our award-winning programs. To help us carry on our mission of service to others, we are sponsoring our 15th annual golf tournament, August 24, at the SaddleBrooke Mountain View Golf Club. Help spread the word. The proceeds are used to fund our programs that benefit local veterans and service members in need, the youth of our community, and promote traditional American values. POC is Steve Didio, phone 520-332-9481 or email [email protected]. See attached flyer.
Past Activities and Information:

(H.R. 6656), The “Stuck-On Hold Act” :
would reduce wait times for veterans making phone calls to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The bill would require the VA’s telephone call line to include an automated response system that would do two things: 1) advise the caller of the anticipated wait time and 2) offer the caller the ability to receive a callback if the wait time is excessive. The Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) has 992,344 pending claims. One claim generates approximately eight separate contacts to the call centers. Please contact your representatives and urge them to support H.R. 6656.
H.R. 5247, the “Expedited Hiring for VA Trained Psychiatrists Act” of 2023:
aims to reduce wait times for veterans seeking mental health care by allowing the VA to establish a fast-track process for hiring psychiatrists. Many veterans struggle to get timely mental health services they need and deserve. More than half of VA’s 139 medical facilities face a severe shortage of psychiatrists. Please contact your representatives and urge them to support H.R. 5247.

American Legion Baseball program:
The local American Legion Area A baseball league, composed of twelve teams, began play June 3. Post 132 is sponsoring two teams this year. The Flowing Wells Caballeros, and the Ironwood Ridge Hawks. The Cabs and Hawks play against each other for the final game, on July 1 at Reid Field #1. The game starts at 7:00 pm. Reid Field is at 900 S. Randolph Way, Tucson. The public is welcome to attend.

Updated 2024 Primary Election Calendar:
July 1 – voter registration deadline; July 3 – mail ballots, early voting begins; July 19 – last day to request a ballot by mail; July 26 – last day to mail in ballot; July 30 – election day. *Note new “primary” election day, now July 30.
The “general” election ballot mailing begins October 9 and the general election day is November 5.
Contact Information:
Facebook: Please like, follow, and share with others to help spread the word about our Post. www.facebook.com/ovamericanlegionPost132 Post.
Website: www.ovamericanlegion132.com.
Post Mailing address: Oro Valley Post 132, PO Box 69665, Oro Valley, AZ 85737.
Auxiliary Mailing Address: Auxiliary OV Unit 132, PO Box 69246, Oro Valley, AZ 85737.
Post 132 general information: Bob Franke, phone 520-909-2070.
Post 132 commander: Steve Didio, phone 520-332-9481 or email [email protected].
Squadron 132 commander: Ed Davis, phone 520-229-1064 or email [email protected].
Riders Chapter 132 Director: Bob Britton, phone 626-277-7360, or email [email protected].
Service Officer: — Jeri Harwood, phone 208-351-9945 or email [email protected].
Auxiliary Unit 132 president: Lori Oehlert, phone 920-319-6700 or email [email protected].
Ed Davis, Past Commander/Newsletter Editor: phone 520-229-1064 or email [email protected].