Oro Valley Post 132 Newsletter, February 27, 2024.
Oro Valley Post 132 and Family activities/notices and information.
Post and Auxiliary membership meetings:
Thursday, March 21, 6:30 pm at Vistoso Memorial Chapel, 2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley. Meetings are on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm. The Auxiliary Unit members meet in a separate room, same time, same location. Post POC: Gary Smith, call 214-431-2187 or email ovpost132@gmail.com.
Riders Chapter 132 membership meeting:
Wednesday, March 6, 6:00 pm at Elks Lodge #385, 1800 N. Oracle Rd. Meetings are on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 6:00 pm. Riders Chapter 132 Director – Jeff Fawks, phone 661-802-2596 or email jeff_fawks@yahoo.com.
Mark your calendar. Upcoming Dates, activities and events to remember:
March 2, 8 am, next Adopt-A-Road clean-up:
Volunteers needed. Meet in the East parking lot of St. Marks R.C. Church, 2727 W. Tangerine Rd. in Oro Valley. Please provide your name and phone number in advance to POC Tom Roblee, email roblee.thomas@yahoo.com or call 509-910-9323. Equipped with pick-up tools and trash bags, you can help pick up trash along a stretch of Tangerine Road while enjoying the company of others. This is a low-stress, fun activity. Legion, Auxiliary, Riders, and SAL members are welcome.
March 5, the 82nd anniversary of the Seabees:
Founded March 5, 1942. US Naval Construction Battalions, better known as the Seabees. Their nickname is a heterograph of the first initials “CB” from the words Construction Battalion. They are trained in both combat and construction. The Seabee motto is Construimus Batuimus “We Build, We Fight”. We are proud of our many members who served in the Seabees.
March 11-14, Tucson Stand Down for homeless and other needy veterans and their families:
The purpose of the Tucson Veterans Serving Veterans Stand Down is to provide homeless and other needy veterans and their families with access to services such as employment opportunities, housing, legal services, disability claims assistance, meals, clothing, care for their pets, and more. The event’s NEW location is the Ramada Inn located at 777 West Cushing St., Tucson. Volunteers are needed for the March 11 and 12 set up, the March 13 Resource Fair (volunteers needed for registration, the clothing “store”, food service, escorts, and other tasks), and the March 14 Career Fair and event breakdown. Sign up to volunteer at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C44ABA62BA2F4C16-46798651-2024.For questions and information call 623-687-5552 or email tucsonvetsservingvets@gmail.com.
Past Activities and Information:
Auxiliary Unit 132 supporting our Veterans:
The Auxiliary Unit delivered cupcakes and ice cream to the State Veterans Home in Tucson to be enjoyed by the residents during the birthday party celebrating February birthdays. The Auxiliary also provided backpacks filled with essential baby items to the Tucson VA’s Women’s Center for the February baby shower for those in the VA program. The backpacks are always a big hit with the expectant mothers. Thank you Ros Walton and Rosie Gonzales.
Anniversary Congratulations:
The following members have accrued 45 or more years of continuous membership in the American Legion: Don Cox – 52, Fred Creeley – 50, Bob Franke – 55, Marlyn Kienbaum – 56, Dick Kroese – 52, Elwood Mayberry – 52, Jeff Peckron – 46, Ed Reynolds – 63, and Alfredo Trejo – 50.
Off-Roading Anyone?:
Post 132 is organizing an American Legion Off-Road Riders group. Membership is open to members of our American Legion family including Post 132 members, members of our Auxiliary Unit, and of our Sons of the American Legion Squadron. The American Legion Off-Road Riders Post 132 group is organized to promote the aims and purposes of the American Legion as a family-orientated off-road and trail-riding activity and to promote good stewardship of our public lands. If you are interested, our Facebook Group site is American Legion Off Road Riders Post 132 or contact me, Bob Britton, at bbritton4@msn.com, or call 626 277-7360.
February 7, Burger Burn:
Members of several American Legion groups, including members of Post 132 and Riders Chapter 132, participated in a special event called “Burger Burn” held to show support of the Arizona Border Patrol. The event was for Border Patrol agents working out of five southern Arizona stations. Burgers, side dishes, and beverages were provided to all.
Contact Info:
Please like, follow and share with others to help spread the word about our Post. Facebook:www.facebook.com/ovamericanlegionPost132. Post Website: www.ovamericanlegion132.com.
Post Mailing address:
Oro Valley Post 132, P.O. Box 69665, Oro Valley, AZ 85737.
Auxiliary Mailing Address:
Auxiliary Oro Valley Unit 132, P.O. Box 69246, Oro Valley, AZ 85737.