Oro Valley Post 132  Newsletter,  December 23, 2024.

Oro Valley Post 132 and Family activities, notices, and information.

American Legion Logo with white background, blue lettering and a stylized United States flag.
American Legion Auxiliary rectangular banner with white background, blue lettering and a gold emblem with blue five point star in the center.

Post and Auxiliary Membership meetings:

Thursday, January 16, 6:30 pm at Vistoso Memorial Chapel, 2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley. Meetings are on the 3rd Thursday, 6:30 pm. A Post provided complimentary social follows each monthly meeting. Auxiliary Unit members are welcome for the after-meeting social. Auxiliary Unit members meet in a separate room, same time, same location.

Post POC: Garry Lawrence, phone #  (520) 245-8521 or email at  faretired@gmail.com. Auxiliary POC: Onita Davis, phone # (520) 229-1064 or email ovunit132@gmail.com.

Beef stew in a large black pot.

January 16, pre-meeting meal:

A pre-meeting meal will be available from 5:00 pm-6:00 pm. Come early for a good meal and to socialize with your fellow Post and Legion family members. This month we are serving beef stew. As always, a donation of $8 per person is appreciated. Serving from 5:00 pm until 6:00 pm or until sold out. We hope to see you there.
Post, Auxiliary Unit, SAL and Riders members are welcome.

Post POC: Garry Lawrence, phone (520) 245-8521, email faretired@gmail.com.

American Legion Riders banner with representation of United States flag in upper left corner, white banner background and blue lettering.

Riders Chapter 132 membership meeting:

Wednesday, January 8 (note date change for January only), 6:00 pm at Elks Lodge #385, 1800 N. Oracle Rd. Meetings are on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 6:00 pm.
Riders Chapter 132 Director – Bob Britton, phone# (626) 277-7360 or email DirectorALR132@gmail.com.

Past Activities and Information:

Auxiliary Unit members serving dinner to attendees.
Members of Post 132, Auxiliary Unit and family members sitting at tables for an annual dinner.
Post 132 member presenting an award certificate to another Post 132 member

December 12, a packed house at the December holiday meeting:

Before the business meeting, 54 members of our Legion family and their guests enjoyed a delicious catered meal, compliments of the Post. Members of the Auxiliary Unit provided an assortment of delicious desserts. A big thank you to all who volunteered with the planning, serving and cleanup of our annual holiday meal and social. During the meeting, member Michael Bartelle was recognized and honored for his exemplary leadership of the Post’s successful hosting of the past three years of Department of Arizona Conventions and Conferences.

Lady in dark blue kneeling by gravestone after placing a green wreath with a red ribbon on the gravestone.
View of men and women placing green wreaths with red ribbons on the headstones of Veterans graves.
Young ladies and men placing green wreaths with red ribbons on headstones at Veterans cemetery with hundreds of wreaths and headstones in the background.
View of hundreds of headstones with wreaths lying against them in Veterans graveyard.
Four members of Post 132 Honor Guard in dark blue uniforms saluting with a crowd of attendees in the background.

December 14, National Wreaths Across America Remembrance Day:

Simultaneous wreath-laying ceremonies were held at Arlington National Cemetery, and at more than 4,000 locations in all 50 U.S. states, at sea and abroad. A Day to Honor and Remember the service and sacrifice of deceased veterans. During the service at the AZ Veterans Memorial Cemetery at Marana, attended by more than 800 people, Auxiliary Unit 132 received special recognition for sponsoring 2,011 wreaths, more than any other community partner. Because of their effort, every interment site at the Veterans Memorial Cemetery received a Remembrance Wreath. A special thank you to those who sponsored a wreath(s) through the Auxiliary Unit, YOU made it possible. Contributing to the memorable service was the Post’s color guard team, Bob Franke, Dan McGregor, Tom Roblee, Abe Villalobos and John Wilyat, bugler Rick Gonzales, and Auxiliary member, Onita Davis, who gave the opening and closing prayers.

Auxiliary unit 132 member presenting food items to a representative of the Veterans Pantry.

December 16, coming to the rescue of the Tucson VA food pantry:

Post member Dan McGregor, behind the camera, and his wife, Auxiliary Unit member Shirley McGregor, at left in photo, made a delivery of needed food items to the Tucson Patriot Food Pantry. As always, the SAVAHCS VA Staff were very appreciative of the support of the Oro Valley American Legion Family. The Pantry is a source of food for in-patients at discharge and out-patients, whose needs are identified by a VA social worker.

Help wanted sign, white lettering on red background.

Post’s unserviceable flags disposal program:

Post 132 has 13 American flags drop off collection receptacles placed throughout the community. About once a month, we need a volunteer to retrieve the flags in the collection box located at the Marana Municipal Complex, 11555 W. Civic Center Dr., Marana, AZ. The collection box is located in the lobby of the main building. Contact Bob Franke at phone # (520) 909-2070 or email bfranke206@aol.com. Thank you.

Contact Info:

Facebook: Please like, follow and share with others to help spread the word about our Post. www.facebook.com/ovamericanlegionPost132 Post. Website: www.ovamericanlegion132.com.

Post Mailing address: Oro Valley Post 132, P.O. Box 69665, Oro Valley, AZ., 85737.

Auxiliary Mailing Address: Auxiliary OV Unit 132, P.O. Box 69246, Oro Valley, AZ., 85737

Post 132 general information: Bob Franke Phone # (520) 909-2070.

Post 132 commander: – Tom Roblee, Phone # (509) 910-9323 or email  roblee.thomas@yahoo.com.

Squadron 132 commander: – Ed Davis, phone # (520) 229-1064 or email egdavis@att.net.

Riders Chapter 132 Director: – Bob Britton, phone #  (626) 277-7360 or email DirectorALR132@gmail.com.

Service Officer: — Jeri Harwood, phone # (208) 351-9945 or email jjakita@aol.com.

Auxiliary Unit 132 President: — Lori Oehlert, phone # (920) 319-6700 or email 15oehlert@gmail.com.

Past Commander/Newsletter Editor: – Ed Davis, phone # (520) 229-1064 or email  egdavis@att.net.

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