The American Legion Oro Valley Post 132, Department of Arizona
History of The American Legion:
The American Legion is a nonpartisan, charitable Veterans’ Service Organization chartered by the United States Congress in 1919. Its roots go back to Paris, France where members of the American Expeditionary Force convened the first caucus of the new American Legion. The American Legion, the nation’s largest Veterans Service Organization continues to fulfil its commitment of advocacy of, and service to, veterans and service members and their families, the promotion of traditional American values, and support of programs which enhance the lives and safety of the youth of our nation.
Oro Valley Post 132 History and Recognition:
Chartered in April 2009 with seventy-seven members, we have continued to grow to our present membership of 554. During that brief period of time, the Post has received the following recognition: In 2012, the Post and the Auxiliary Unit were recognized as the “Outstanding Community Partners of the year” by the Arizona National Guard. In 2013, the Post and Auxiliary Unit received the U.S. National Guard Washington Bureau’s “Outstanding Community Partner of the Year” award. It is the only time an organization from Arizona has received the prestigious national award. For the period of 2014 – 2024 the Post was honored by the Tucson Veterans Serving Veterans Alliance as the “GO TO” Veterans Service Organization” for its “Exemplary and Steadfast Care and Assistance of Veterans in Need”.
List of Post 132 sponsored and supported programs:
1. Veteran, National Guard and Reserve Assistance:
–Emergency Assistance, this includes grocery and gas gift cards, school supplies for the
children, vehicle and home repair, help with utility bills, transportation to the VA medical
center, care and assistance for special needs family members, and preparation of meals
for needy families on special holidays. If there is a need, we are there to help.
— Guard and Reserve members, our citizen soldiers and their families, receive special care
and assistance during periods of frequent deployment.
— Primary community partner of the bi-annual Tucson Stand Down event. Stand Down
provides homeless and other less fortunate veterans and their families with access to
services such as health care, employment opportunities, housing, legal services,
emergency assistance, clothing, care for their pets and more. In addition to financial
support, Post and Auxiliary 132 members fill the majority of the 70 plus volunteer
positions needed for a successful event.
— Heroes to Hometowns (Thanksgiving Turkeys to Troops and Backpacks for Military Children).
— Comfort and entertainment items for patients at the Tucson VA medical center.
— Comfort and entertainment items for residents of the Tucson State Veterans Home.
— Prepare meals onsite for guests and staff at the Tucson Fisher House, a place of no-cost
lodging for family members of veterans receiving care at the Tucson VA.
2. Education and Community Safety:
— Oro Valley Police Department (OVPD) Explorer program (provides law enforcement career
Orientation experiences, leadership opportunities, and community service activities).
— OVPD Shop-with-a-Cop program for children of the community.
— Policeman of the Year award.
— Fireman of the Year award.
— The 100 Club of AZ, provides financial assistance to families of first responders who are
seriously injured or killed in the line of duty.
3. Americanism and Youth:
— Flags for Eagle Scouts (present American flags flown over nation’s capital to Eagle Scouts).
— Boys and Girls State (participatory program in which students take an active role in the
Simulated operation of local, county and state government).
— Children’s Organ Transplant Association of Arizona.
— Oratorical High School Scholarship Contest (U.S. Constitution knowledge-based contest).
— Legion Baseball Teams (sponsor two teams comprised of players from local high schools).
— University of Arizona ROTC program.
— Support local Scout troops and Cub packs.
— Ironwood Ridge High School Veteran Heritage Project (students record veterans’ service
stories in a book and provide transcripts to the National Archives).
4. Community Outreach:
— Collection of unserviceable American flags. More than 3500 flags collected annually.
— Missing in America Project (Veterans Cremains Recovery Program) Locate, identify and
inter, with full military honors, the unclaimed remains of these once forgotten veterans).
— Deliver posters of patriotic and military events and dates to local assisted living centers,
and nursing homes.
— Support the annual Auxiliary Unit’s poppy distribution program.
— The Post maintains two Color Guard teams and two Honor Guard teams that annually
perform at more than 30 Veteran’s funerals, and memorial services, school assemblies,
community locations on patriotic holidays, and Veterans and Military events. The Post’s
Honor Guard is the only active Veterans’ Honor/Color Guard unit in the greater Tucson area.
To join or transfer to Oro Valley American Legion Post 132, contact Stu Lind at phone # (520)904-8150 or email [email protected]. It is a quick and easy process. Our monthly meetings are at the Vistoso Memorial Chapel in Oro Valley at 2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd. at 6:30 PM on the third Thursday, September through June.
Donations to the American Legion Oro Valley Post 132 are tax deductible as charitable contributions to the full extent of the law. One hundred percent of all donations go toward supporting the Post ‘s nationally acclaimed programs. E.I.N. #26-4228431. The Oro Valley Post 132’s 501 c 3 charity is dba “Oro Valley Post 132 Foundation”, E.I.N #32-0648082
Address American Legion OV Post 132, P.O. Box 69665, Oro Valley, AZ 85737.
Email: [email protected]. Web Site: www.ovamericanlegion132.com.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ovamericanlegionpost132.